Chapter 37: Live in the Moment

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Live in the Moment - Portugal the Man
When you're gone goodbye's a long farewell


"I still can't believe you're coming in a week!" Lindsay exclaimed.

I giggled glancing around my flat. I had already started packing up all of my things. Boxes were beginning to form in the corners of the room. Time had flown since Bello first told me about my promotion. Last week he had told me that the establishment was almost ready, and would be within the next month.

To ensure that I would be settled in and ready to work, he told me and the others going with me, to head over at least a week early. Which was exactly what I was doing. I also wanted to spend some time with Trevor and my other friends before I was swamped with work.

As for Lisa, she still hadn't given me a definite answer on whether or not she was going. Today was the day she would tell me her answer.

As for right now I was on a video call with Lindsay and Meg. They were currently on their lunch at the office and decided to use the time to call me. Since I was about to move, Bello gave me the week off even though I insisted it wasn't necessary. Due to this fact I was able to talk to my friends so late in the afternoon instead of having to work.

"I know! It's been so long since I've seen you guys in person. I can't wait to see you guys again," I said finally replying to Lindsay's comment.

"Speaking of, what about your friend Lisa? Has she given you an answer yet?" Meg asked. Of course I had told Meg and Lindsay about my situation with Lisa. I really had no one else to talk to about it.

"Great question. I haven't seen her yet today," I sighed. I had a hunch that she was avoiding me. Which didn't look good about our chances.

"Aww man I really liked her," Lindsay said. A few weeks ago, we had a similar video call, though Lisa was present. They got along perfectly, which I had hoped would further convince her to come with. So far no emotion in that area. "She's gonna come with you, even if I have to fly to Thame and get her myself."

"You absolutely cannot pressure her," I knew that she had given them her contact information though I didn't want them to overstep their boundaries. "She has to make this decision on her own. After all, we are just asking her to pick up and move for practically no reason."

"Yeah you're right," Lindsay sighed.

"Is that who I think it is?" I heard a male voice say. Geoff walked in frame, standing behind my two friends.

"Hey old man!" I joked.

"Oh please, I'm 41 years young," he smirked.

"Keep telling yourself that," I grinned. "How have you been? How's the family and all that?"

"Same old, same old," he said glancing around the room boredly. "Congrats on the promotion, can't wait to see you more often."

"Not like I'm going to be in the office everyday," I said raising an eyebrow at him.

"Nah I meant at the restaurant," he said. "Don't thing we're not going to be there every week."

"I would hope not?" I said questionably. "Even so I'll be in the kitchen. Unless you ask for the chef you won't see me."

"The I will every time we're there. Now I won't be there every week but I will be there fairly often," he laughed. "Oh speaking of. On opening night you gotta save us a table. Like a big one. I'm going to make sure everyone from Achievement Hunter will be there."

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