Chapter 12: Let's Cook

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Before Trevor came to pick me up I snatched a few dollars from the table and wrote Gavin and Meg a note saying not to worry that I was out with Trevor. I also told them not to tease me. And to call me if they need me.

I heard a knock on the door and grabbed my phone from the charger. I ran to the door and saw Trevor leaning on the door frame.

"Ello Trevor," I smiled at him and I locked the door.

"Hey Pam, you ready for coffee?" he asked me. So far so good. No comments yet.

"That I am!" I said enthusiastically. Hmm maybe I don't need coffee anyway. Nope definitely need it. Curse you Gavin and your bed time. Trevor offered me an arm which of course I took, what a gentleman. He walked us out to the car and opened the door for me. "Why thank you kind sir."

"My pleasure. It's easier tonight now that you're not asleep," he teased.

"That may change if you don't hurry up."

He chuckled as he shut the door and jogged around to the drivers side. He got in and started the car as I buckled up. I rested my head against the seat and closed my eyes, exhaustion coming back to me all too quick. He pulled away from the driveway and we motored down the road.

"Next stop: Star-Deer." he said in an announcer voice. I glared over at him as he snickered. When he wouldn't shut up I punched him in the arm. "Oww!"

"What did I tell you! That was your fault," I pouted. He laughed again.

"You've got to admit it was funny." I rolled my eyes. Yeah it was. I can be a complete idiot sometimes. You win this round Trevor. "Ok ok in all seriousness, why don't you just go to sleep?"

"Gavin. Gavin is the reason," I told him annoyed. "He literally gave me a curfew before they left."

"Ohhh date night?" I nodded. "Well that's a bummer. I probably would have just fallen asleep anyway."

"I wish. But I have a feeling that he has an air horn lying around the house."

"Oh well that's fun," he chuckled. We pulled into the parking lot of a Starbucks. When he stopped the car he stopped me from getting out by placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked over at his chocolate brown eyes in confusion. "Wait here," he told me as he got out of the car. He jogged over to my side and opened it for me.

"Trevor! I was perfectly capable of getting out myself," I told him as we walked toward the entrance.

"Well I'm trying to be a gentleman. Chivalry isn't dead you know."

"Why thank you good sir." When we walked in there was an overwhelming smell of coffee. The employee looked extremely bored, and seemed to be playing on her phone. Because who comes into a coffee shop at night? Probably a lot but it must have been a slow night. (A/N I really don't know I've never been to one.) She looked up when we walked in and put her phone away.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks what can I get you?" she asked us monotonely.

We ordered our drinks and she told us the price. I reached into my pocket to pay but Trevor beat me to it, pulling out a couple of bills and paying the barista..

"Hey I was going to pay!" I told him as the barista made our drinks. "You're the one who drove us here, I should have at least payed."

"You're welcome," he told me smugly.

"Thank you."

"So......" he seemed to be at a loss for things to say as we sat at one of the tables. "What is life like over in the UK?"

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now