Chapter 33: He Remembered

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Idk really about a meaningful song so listen to Say Amen (Saturday Night) by Panic! At the Disco. Cause its Saturday night in the chappy.



Be there in 20

I smiled as I typed out a quick reply. Today, Trevor and I had plans to spend some more time together. Today would be the last day we could before I left. My flight left tomorrow at 9:00 and I was not ready to leave. Deep down I knew tomorrow was going to hurt. I would probably be spending my entire flight trying not to cry while binge watching some show on Hulu.

You'll be back before you know it Pam, I reassured myself. I would be back for Christmas for sure, though maybe I would find another reason to visit earlier than that. Like for Gavin's or maybe even Meg's birthday! Would it be overkill if I visited for both? 

I sighed, at this point I just sounded desperate inside my own head. Once I get back to Thame tomorrow I will just throw myself into work and pretend that I have no problems, much like I have done in the past. I shook the thoughts away. I really needed a distraction for the next 20 minutes. Right as I thought that my phone buzzed.


I still can't believe that you actually went out with someone! Let alone kissed that someone!

I smiled at the screen. Last night I had sent Lisa a text explaining that I had just gone on a date. I was woken up this morning with around 20 text messages, four missed calls and even a missed Face time. Of course I called her back on Face time, I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when I told her about that date.

Being the person she was, she wanted to know every detail about the date, even the kiss. I caved, knowing if I kept anything from her I would pay for it in the future when she found out. I also knew the consequences of telling her this. The endless teasing, always wanting to know who I was texting, talking to ect.

I typed our a sarcastic response and sent it off.


You've only said that a thousand or so times ;P

I set down my phone and left my room to find Gavin and Meg. I heard their voices coming from down the hall so I figured they were in their room. I aproached their room and gave their door a hesitant knock. I didn't want to interrupt anything. I heard a muffled 'come in' before I opened the door and did just that.

I held in my laugh as I glanced over the sight before me. To put it simply, it was a mess in their room. There were papers and clothes strewn about, along with various other items. Meg was glaring down at it all while Gavin was lying on the bed.

"Pam, are you sure that I can't go back with you to England tomorrow?" Gavin pouted. Meg diverted her glare toward him, before grabbing a book off the ground and tossing it at him.

"Get off your ass and help!" Meg shouted as Gavin dove for cover.

"Alright I just came to tell you that I would be out with Trevor today. Ok bye!" I said before backing out of the room.

True to his word Trevor was pulling up Gavin's house within twenty minutes. I totally wasn't watching the window to see when he would pull up. When he knocked I opened the door with a smile. I called out a quick goodbye to my hosts upstairs as I shut the front door.

"Good day milady," Trevor said. "You look beautiful today Pam," he complimented me. Today I was wearing a blue button up blouse with a pair of shorts.

"Thank you," I blushed, subconsciously playing with the hem of the shirt.

"Leeeet's go!" Trevor said cheerfully offering his hand. I took it with a smile. Hand in hand we walked back to his car. "So what adventures await us today Pam?"

I thought for a moment. "Does Austin have an aquarium? I'll pay," I offered.

"Yes we do. I haven't been to an aquarium in ages so good choice," Trevor said putting on his GPS. Soon we were on our way to our destination jamming out to the radio.


We went straight to the aquarium and spent about an hour or do there. I have to hand it to America, they sure have some pretty cool things. Our aquariums back home aren't as grand, though they are probably better in the more popular places.

After the aquarium we drive around Austin for a bit, Trevor getting to show off a bit more of the city. Finally we decide to spend the rest of our day back at his place just hanging out. I made us my favorite pasta dish for dinner. After dinner, Trevor told me he wanted to take me someplace.

"You didn't," I gasped as we pulled up to the building. The sign on the front of the building read, DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY. He was taking me to an observatory since I had told him about my love of stars last night.  

"Well the stars aren't really that visible here in Austin, so I figured that this would be the next best thing," he grinned at me. "I Googled this place and saw that they had a viewing tonight. I thought it would be a good departing gift to you," he said getting out of the car.

I jumped out of the car and ran around to his side and gave him a bone crushing hug. "You are actually the sweetest guy I've met Trevor Collins," I told him. As I pulled away I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing his hand and practically dragging him toward the building. 

"Pam slow down you animal, we don't even know where we are going!" Trevor explained with a laugh. 

"We will figure it out, come on!" I giggled. A few minutes later we found out that we really didn't know where this telescope was. It was a very big building, so we had to go ask one of the staff. 

Turns out wandering aimlessly would have been a very poor mistake and probably would have gotten us thrown out. The telescope was actually on the 5th floor, which would have taken us a while to get to.

By the time we arrived at the viewing room. It was already fairly crowded. There was a line forming around what I assumed to be the viewing area of the telescope. Instead we looked around at the history of the place and the various other information.

Luckily the wait wasn't too long before Trevor and I got to look. I helped him see various constellations that I knew of and he even pointed some out to me. I may have had all of the star-knowlege but he did have good eyesight.

"I still can't believe you remembered," I sighed glancing at the stars again.

"How could I forget, you spoke so passionately about them last night," Trevor shrugged. I glanced up at him lovingly, he responded by reaching down and grabbing my hand. Without breaking eye contact, Trevor gave my hand a light kiss. I let go of his hand and instead wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. It was then that we shared a butterfly-filled kiss under the stars.


( A / N )

Welp. I tried. Writers block is Satan.

Also I'm so sorry guys, my chapters have just been going down in quality lately. A huge thank you for all of you who have endured this torture. XD

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