Chapter 9: Why Me?

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"Ok it wasn't that bad. Get off my back!" I shouted at Michael. Gavin, Lindsay, Michael, Jeremy, and me all went out to a local Chinese food place for lunch. They made me try a roasted duck which was actually pretty good. I was hesitant because all I could think of was Donald the Duck. I reluctantly gave up when they wouldn't let me order sweet and sour pork.

"It took you long enough tho," Gavin grumbled at me. I shot him a glare. He shut up.

We were currently on our way back to the office. I was in the back of Gavin's car squished between Jeremy and Lindsay. Lindsay chewed Michael out for not sitting with her before we left. He tried to switch me spots but I shook my head and hugged Lindsay. She hugged me back and stuck her tongue out at Michael. He rolled his eyes and said something like 'well why the fuck did you say anything,' and turned around. Gavin and Jeremy were just laughing.

When we finally arrived at the office the guys got out and told Lindsay and I that they were doing a let's play. We waved goodbye as they ran inside, not wanting to be late.

"Well Pam have you gotten a chance to explore the place?" Lindsay asked me. I shook my head no. "Well today's your lucky day cause I literally have nothing else to do and the baby is upset with me for sitting down for so long," she rubbed her belly affectionately. "She's going to be an athlete. Unlike her parents."

I laughed with her as we entered Stage 4. We walked over to an area that I've never seen before. It was a giant room filled with a lot of filming equipment. Lindsay was saying hi to some of the crew roaming around.

"So Pam, this is were we do most of the filming for the shows," she informed me. Then she proceeds to introduced me to the people she was previously talking to. After having a nice chat with them we mozyed along. We came to another set that was brightly lit up and had a table in the center. This must be Off Topic. "From your expression you seen this before?"

"Yes I've watched a couple of episodes of Off Topic" I told her checking the set out. They weren't filming anything right now but by the looks of it they were getting ready to. Great. Hopefully Gavin wasn't going to be on this one because I can't deal with drunk Gavin two nights in a row.

The next Lindsay showed me was another office that kind of looked similar to the main one where the guys filmed. I immediately spotted a familiar face.

"Pam!" Trevor hollered when he spotted me. A couple if the other guys in the room looked up as Trevor made his way over to me. Lindsay walked over to one of the guys and shot me a smirk. Oh great she's in on it too. Fantastic. "Hey there sleepy head."

"Is that my name now?" I raised an eyebrow at Trevor.

"Nah I'll let it go. Unlike sooommee people," he mocked me.

"Hey are you talking about me?" I questioned him crossing my arms.

"Nope I'm talking to Gavin behind you," he nodded to the space behind me.

I panicked thinking that Gavin was going to scream in my ear or something. I whirled around but didn't see anything behind me. Suddenly my world came crashing down. Literally. The world was falling. Wait that was me. I'm the one falling. I must have tripped over my own feet (as usual). Now I'm falling in reverse. Get it like the band. I brace for impact but it never came.

"Woa careful there," Trevor was the one to catch me. My cheeks reddened because of my clumsiness. I mentally scolded myself for being such a pleb. Clapping was heard and then I realized we had an audience. I looked over to see Lindsay with a knowing smirk and another guy smiling as well. They were the ones clapping. My cheeks flushed even more. Bloody hell, I need to stop embarrassing myself in public. Noticing my discomfort Trevor jumped into action, setting me upright on my feet. He dramatically took a bow and the proceed to say, "It was I, Trevor Collins whom saved the damsel in distress. Come along my lady," he led me over to what I assumed to be his desk. The others went back to what they were talking about or doing.

"Thanks Trevor, sorry I'm such a clumsy git," I told him. He gestured for me to take a seat in his chair. I reluctantly accepted for he went over and grabbed another chair from one of the other unoccupied desks.

"Yeah no problem," he brushed it off as he sat down next to me. I was looking at his screen, curious to see what he was doing. "Wanna see what I'm working on?"

I nodded and rolled the chair sideways to let him get closer to his monitor. He gestured to the fuzzy picture I was seeing. I had no clue what it was. He clicked the mouse a few times and the picture unzoomed. Now I see what it was. It's the Let's play logo in the middle of a street. He must be making the itro vids.

"So you know the little clips at the beginning of the videos?" Yes, the ones that I was thinking about. I nodded. "I'm in charge of making the new one," he nodded at the screen and it began to play. It looked like a transformer or something. Except with really bad photoshopped edges. "It's a work in progress as you can see."

"Still pretty damn good if you ask me." I told him truthfully. "I wouldn't be able to do this."

"Well I can show you if you want," he offered.

Why the hell not.

The rest of the time spent at the office passes with a similar manner with Trevor. I was just watching him work and occasionally he let me help. It was a good day.

"Ah there you are Pam!" I heard a voice say. Trevor had been explaining to me all that goes into editing a video. I looked up to see Gavin waltzing into the room. "Where the hell have you been? I thought you said you were going to help us on a let's play," he told me in a joking manner.

"Trevor here was showing me the ropes on what it takes to be an editor here. Watch out Gavin. I'm coming for your job next," I said menacingly. Trevor laughed.

Gavin walked up behind me as Trevor began to shut his computer off. He whispered "I bet that's not all he showed you huh sis," I gasped in shock of what he just said. Perv! Before I could lay into him for being a prick he walked off. "Come on I want to get home."

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost 4. I turned back to where Trev was cleaning up his desk from the food wrappers that were strewn about. Partially guilty. He had fries ok? I helped him throw them away before giving him an awkward wave. "I must go now or else the brother will get mad. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah see you tomorrow Pam!" he awkwardly waved goodbye with me. The only difference was he made a weird face that made me laugh. It was a very good day today.



Sorry it's kinda short sorry guys, the next one will be better. Pam is getting less and less British. I apologize for that.....

Also I have no clue the layout of the property other than what they've shown us in videos. So this is all probably 80% incorrect. If you know the layout better plz let me know.

Thanks for reading guys you're all awesome! See you next week.

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now