Chapter 24: I'm On The Spot

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(A / N:) So I resize now that I'm completely terrible at improv and it would have been really long anyway so ima just write the little I came up with and write more #Tram fluff. Don't hate me. 


On The Spot. What an experience. I was surprised at how easy I was able to think of clever answers for the games. I was glad that I had taken they guy's advice about not thinking about the cameras. I did exactly as they said and just pretended that I was playing games with my friends. It helped me out tremendously. I thought back to the beginning of the show when Jon introduced us and the whole thing go started:


"My first guests today are a long way from home. Well one of them is, the other just won't leave us alone. Please welcome Barbra Dunkleman and Pam Free," The lights came on above Barb and I, as we waved at the cameras. 

"My second team are the two you don't want to run into on the street alone at night. One may have a knife, the other will have a monster truck. Please welcome Jeremy Dooley and Ryan Haywood," the lights came on for our competition who had their arms crossed and were glaring at the camera. I watched as Jeremy mouthed, I am monster truck. I stifled a laugh.

"I'm your host Jon Risinger and welcome to On The Spot," Jon said to the camera with a smile. We heard the theme music play and I used the moment to catch my breath. I looked over to where Trevor was standing with a hopeful look on my face. He gave me a nod and a thumbs up. The music faded out as the cameras refocused on the set. 

"Jon I didn't know you thought so low about us," Jeremy said to him sounding slightly offended.

"Well to be fair that would probably be true about me," Ryan said putting on a creepy face. He reached for his pocket where I noticed a pocket knife. 

"Oh my God we're all about to get stabbed. Moving on, welcome to On the Spot, the Rooster Teeth game show," Jon said giving the camera another charming smile.

"Wait I've got a question," I spoke up. Barbra shot me a look with an encouraging nod, knowing that this was the start of Jon's downfall.

"Yes Pam?" Jon said.

"I'm actually not supposed to be here, I gotta go..." I said 'nervously' looking around the room.

"No, you're here for life. Sorry," Jon shot back. I threw my hands up and sat back in my chair. "This episode of On The Spot is brought to you by Blue Aprin and MVMT watches."

"Blue Aprin is great guys," Barbra commented.

"She's not wrong." Jeremy said.

"So for those of you that don't already know, we have a newby today," Jon said looking over at me. I looked around at everyone who were all staring at me. I looked behind me. 

"Oh you mean me?" I said with fake shock. 

"No your twin," Jeremy said. 

"Oh, no I ate her a few years ago," I said nonchalantly.

"We can't start off the show with murder. This happens too much!" Jon exclaimed. "Now, Pam is the sister of our own boy Gavin, if you haven't already figured that out. So Pam, tell us why you're here."

"Well John, I needed a vacation," I said honestly. I really did. "That, and Gavin basically dragged me onto a plane."  

"Somehow I don't see Gavin having the balls to do that," Ryan spoke up. 

"Well your not wrong, my best friend was behind me shoving me out of the country," I giggled. 

"Wait I thought I was your best friend?" Barbra whined. 

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now