Chapter 19: Food and Sleep

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The rest of the evening consisted of Trevor and I playing various games. We played a variety ranging from Portal to Minecraft. We were currently locked in a build off in Minecraft. Survival mode, 20 minutes, whoever can make the nicest house wins. My timer sounded, indicating that our time was up.

"That was not 20 minutes!" Trevor exclaimed. Turning my character around to see his house I inwardly cringed. He had attempted to make his out of smooth stone, but apparently they took too long to cook in the furnace because half of the house was missing and the furnace was still cooking. He would have succeeded if he hadn't have tried to make his house bigger than mine.

It was my turn to laugh in triumph. My sides were already acing from laughing so hard today, and this was not helping them. Trevor put his controller down on the table and put his head in his hands. I looked back over to my humble abode in triumph.

Instead of wasting my time with mining stone, I chopped down the surrounding trees and made a decent sized cottage. I had even included four windows and a patch of flowers outside.

"I guess I win," I sing songed at him. He mumbled something like, 'you don't say'.

Feeling bad I picked some of my flowers up. "Here you go Trev, I'll share some of my flowers with you."

Trevor looked up at the screen as I planted the flowers by his door. "Thanks Pam, it looks a little less shitty now," he laughed.

"You're welcome!"

He was silent for a moment. "I say we order a pizza," he finally spoke up. I checked the clock. It was 7:30.

My stomach growled. "That is a bloody amazing idea," I laughed.

He dug his phone out of his pocket and immediately put it to his ear,an urgent look on his face. "Officer! We need a pizza stat!" Officer? You're kidding right. I put a hand up to my mouth to try and hold in my laughs. "What do you mean you don't sell pizza? This is an emergency sir!" he shouted into the phone. "Right, I understand. Thank you for your time officer," he put the phone down and looked up at me. "They don't sell pizza there."

Finally I couldn't hold my laughter in anymore. I laughed for a solid two minutes before I was able to calm myself down.

"Pam get ahold of yourself! Pizza is no laughing manner!" Trevor shouted. Of course this made me burst out into another fit of giggles. "But in all seriousness, what do you want on it?"

"Anything with sausage and pepperoni," I weezed still attempting to calm myself down. I had my fill of supreme pizza, due to the fact that it was all that Lisa would order for us.

"Meatlovers it is," he said actually phoning the pizza place this time. I would have offered to make us a pizza but I was clearly not in the proper state of mind to be doing anything like that. Knowing me I would end up laughing the knife into my arm.

"Ok thank you very much. Bye," Trevor said hanging up. "It will be here in twenty."

"Ace! I'm starving," I told him.

"You brits and your terminology," Trevor remarked.

"Are better than yours?" I shot back. He held his hands up and sat down next to me on the couch. He exited out of Minecraft and instead turned on some Netflix.

"What shall we watch?"

"The Avengers!" I choose the first thing I saw which was Age of Ultron.

"One of the best ones," he said choosing it. As the movie started up I went to get us a couple of drinks. I had already finished my Dr Pepper and Trevor's was almost gone as well. I was glad his kitchen wasn't too far away as I heard the Marvel intro music fade out. Grabbing two Peppers from the fridge I rushed back into the room throwing the soda's at Trevor before vaulting over the back of the couch. I stuck the landing, falling down onto the cushions. What didn't stick the landing though, was the Dr Peppers. The first one struck Trevor in his left leg. The second one landed directly in his lap. Right in the family jewels.

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