Chapter 6: You're Pretty Alright

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This week on Trevor hurts himself for entertainment. ^

Now Playing:
Tear In My Heart- Twenty One Pilots
You fell asleep in my, car I drove the whole time. But that's ok I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine

It had been a pretty brilliant night. All and all they were a fun group to spend it with. The only bad thing is that my two hours were up and Gavin was shitfaced, as the Americans call it.

Trevor, Michael, Lindsay and I were all having a good time but they could see that I was getting more and more weary. I also kept glaring in Gavin's direction, as he had changed spots to go talk to Geoff and Jeremy at anoter table. Finally Trevor shook his head.

"I'm assuming that Gavin was supposed to take you home by now?" he asked matter-of-factly.

"How'd you figure that one out?" I asked sleepily.

"Oh you know you've only been glaring in his direction for 2 minutes straight." he laughed.

Lindsay spoke up as well and said "Yeah plus you've been out of it for a while now." Michael nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah..... Sorry about that guys. I guess I'm going to get a cab because it doesn't look like he's ready leave any time soon," I said pulling out my mobile. I guess I'm going to look up the nearest cab services.

"Nah don't worry about it, I'll take you. Gavin and Meg don't live to terribly far away from me. Plus you've been with me the whole time. I don't have a drop of alcohol in me," Trevor said proudly.

I thought about it for a moment. Well I don't exactly think that the cab driver would accept quids. It would be nice not to have to borrow money. Well I would try to pay him but some thing told me he wouldn't accept. "Ah what the hell. If you really don't mind?"

"Yeah it would be no problem. I kinda wanted to head home anyway." he told me sincerely.

"Alright if it's really no trouble. I'll go tell Gav," I said as I got up and walked over to the mungy little git.

"Hey old wankers!" I called to the group of drunken idiots. They turned to look at me. Geoff and Jeremy had confused looks on their faces, but Gavin had a guilty look on his face as he looked down at his watch. He opened his mouth probably to apologize but I quickly cut him off. "Yeah whatever you lied. It's fine I have a ride back to the flat. Just please don't drive home like this, get a cab or get someone sober to give you a ride." I said as I walked off. All I heard come from the table was the distinct laughter of Geoff and Jeremy. Not that I cared in the slightest.

"Ready to go?" Trevor asked me once I had walked back over to our table. He had his lanyard and was swinging it around his finger.

"Yeah good to go," I said. I turned to where Michael and Lindsay were sitting. "Well it was great getting to know both of you. It was lovely to meet you Lindsay!"

Lindsay got up from where she was sitting and came over to me. I tried to get her to stay seated for the baby's sake but she was already up. "Nu uh, you're not leaving until you give me a hug. It was great getting to know you as well," she said hugging me. I smiled at the sweet gesture. Even if it was a little awkward with the baby. Everyone is so nice here. I might not hate my time here after all. Michael came over as well to give me a side hug and said to go home and get some sleep.

"Thanks guys! Cheerio!" and then Trevor led me over to the direction that I assumed he parked.

"Just don't make us do a couple laps around the lot alright?" I teased him again. He just rolled his eyes as I giggled.

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now