Chapter 30: Rare

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Rare - Waterparks

You know I think you're rare
I wasn't prepared


"Trevor, this place looks really expensive," I stated shyly. We had just pulled into the restaurant that Trevor had picked. It looked like a steakhouse or maybe a seafood house called Trulucks. 

"It's not that bad," he smiled. If you don't like steak or seafood though, I think we're out of luck...." he trailed off.  I laughed. I must be a good guesser.

"I do enjoy seafood," I told him with a smile. He gave me a toothy grin back. 

"Well then, shall we?" he asked. 

"Let's shall," I joked, quoting Patrick from SpongeBob. 

"Wait here ma'am," he said as he got out of the car. He walked around to my side of the car and opened my door for me. He offered his hand to me, helping me out of the car. I released it as he shut my door and locked the car. From there he offered me his arm, much like he had done in the past. Although this time, it felt more, real. Before it had just been joking around, but now that we were actually going on a date... I glanced up at the looming restaurant in front of us. I couldn't help but think that I could bugger this whole thing up. Then Trevor will hate me and I'll be alone forever, only having Lisa to bother.

"You're going to love this place Pam," he commented as we walked towards the entrance. He must have saw my worried look.

"Well, I would hope so, or I may just call this whole thing off," I giggled. He turned and playfully stuck his tongue out at me. I mimicked him as we neared the entrance. When we got to the door, Trevor opened it for me. As I entered the restaurant the atmosphere changed. I was used to fancy restaurants, Bello Italiano being one of them. In front of us, a few waitresses chatted until they noticed us. The one on the left snapped to attention greeting us. 

"Good evening, do you have a reservation?" She asked us. 

"Yes, under the name Collins," Trevor replied. The waitress nodded and entered the name into her tablet .

"Welcome to Trulucks, Mr. Collins your table is ready," she replied. "Follow me."

"Wow, a reservation and everything, I'm impressed Mr. Collins," I teased him. 

"Anything for you Ms. Free," Trevor shot back. I giggled as we followed the waitress. Trevor and I received odd looks from some of the other guests. They were older, and appeared to be regulars, who were probably wondering who we were. I started to feel insecure at the stares, but instead of getting skittish like I normally would I held my head up high and walked on.

The waitress led us to a table for two toward the back of the restaurant, not that I minded. The table already had menu's laid out for us. Trevor pulled my chair out for me to sit in. I felt like I was in a cheesy romance flick as he pushed my chair in for me. 

"Shall I start you two off with a bottle of wine? We have a Chardonnay that is perfect for nights like tonight," our server spoke as we settled ourselves. 

"I would actually just like a water," I spoke up. No alcohol for me. I wanted to have a crystal clear memory of tonight. She nodded to me and turned to Trevor.

"I'll take the same," Trevor said following suit. She nodded, telling us she would be back in a moment, before tapping on her tablet and walking off in the direction she came.

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now