Chapter 22: Alfreco

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( A / N )

So before anyone comments and corrects me, yes I understand that Alfredo wasn't hired until later in the year. I had this idea and I couldn't come up with a better one. So POOF Alfredo was hired in May.


"What's up guys!" I shouted when Gavin and I walked into the office. It was Monday again. In less than a week I will be heading back to Thame away from all of the amazing people I have met here.

The thought saddened me, but at the same time I missed Lisa and my job. Once I got back to work I would definitely be saving up to come back here. Possibly even for Christmas. Maybe I would even bring Lisa with me. Something tells me that she would love this place. Granted she loved Thame, but deep down I knew that she was an American at heart.

"Hey Pam!" Jeremy called. Looking around the room I noticed that we were the last ones to arrive. The rest of the crew was already at their computers presumably looking over the day's work ahead of them.

Geoff and Jack both let out a couple of 'heey's'. Michael had his headphones in listening to music but removed them to mock us. "Wow look who decided to show up," he sneered. "Why don't you try to show up on time tomorrow?"

"Its not my fault that this one wouldn't get out of bed!" Gavin exclaimed.

"Its not my fault that your wife," I pointed at Michael, then Gavin. "And your girlfriend are both extremely difficult to shop with."

Michael just shrugged. "Why do you think we don't go?"

"Fair enough," I said. Gavin rolled his eyes as he started his computer. I felt a pair of eyes on me so I looked around the room for the source. My eyes landed on Ryan who waved me over. "What's up Ryebread?"

"Oh god not you too," he said putting his head in his hands. "Literally everyone here has called me that at some point." I was genuinely surprised at that.

"Wow I though I just made that up on the fly?" I mused. He shook his head looking up at me. "Anyway what's up?"

"I normally would do this myself, but unfortunately I am in charge of testing the servers to make sure they will work for GTA today," I nodded signaling for him to go on. "Unfortunately the mini fridge is out of diet cokes and I forgot to go get a new pack from the kitchen......" Ah I get it.

"And you want me to go get it because you have an unhealthy addiction to them?" I raised my eyebrow. I heard Jack laugh before saying.

"She's not wrong Ryan, you do have an addiction," he said nonchalantly. Ryan ignoring Jack's comment stared up at me pleadingly. I rolled my eyes and gave in.

"You caught me in a surprisingly good mood today Ryan, I'll feed your addiction," I stated. He raised his arms in triumph with a 'yes'. "Where are they again?"

"The kitchen in Stage 5," (A/N: IDK if that's really where it is...) he said. I thought it over for a moment.

"Alright I remember where it is," I told him. "There's coffee in the kitchen right?" I still hated coffee but it was a necessity today. He nodded. "Ok, while I'm there does anyone need anything from the kitchen?" I called out to the room. They all either shook their heads or verbally told me otherwise. "Alright bye."

"Don't take too long Pam I want you to be in the GTA today," Geoff said to me as I walked by his desk.

"Roger that!" I chirped, leaving the office. I wondered if I was even going to get paid for this.

It seemed to be a quiet day today, not much was going on apparently. I walked along in silence quietly humming an All Time Low song that had been stuck in my head all morning. As I hummed I mentally started singing along with it:

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