Chapter 8: Let's Play!

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(A / N)

And if you're still with us at this point audience, you're my favorite type of person.

Name that reference!

Now playing:
Game On - Waka Flocka Flame

Can't Xbox me in, 'cause in my lane
No controller but me playin' my game


So you've got the hots for Trevor huh sis?" Gavin teased me.

"Absolutely not! I just met the guy yesterday! You're off your walker this is why you don't drink you tosspot," I denied quickly. Meg immediately caught on to what I was doing.

"Oh no you don't. Spill," she commanded.

I just shook my head and walked upstairs. Meg followed me.

"Ok just us girls now. Please tell me?" she begged.

I sighed. I'm never gonna get out if this one. "Ok come in," I said as we got to my door. When we were both inside I closed the door behind us so there were no Gavins peaking. When I turned around to look at her she was sitting patiently cross-legged on my bed with an expectant look on her face.

"Well spill! I haven't had a gossip session in a while," she pleaded.

"Ok so he's pretty cute ok? Not that I'd ever tell him. Lord knows last time I did it was a bloody train wreck," I shuddered as I remembered back to when I was 15. I had a major crush on Devin Lawson, the school's jock. What a swoon. I decided to tell him that I liked him and need less to say it didn't end well.

Meg squealed loudly. I cringed, knowing what was coming. "I knew it! You were all giggly at breakfast when you were talking to him! You guys would make such a cute couple! And your kids! Gahh!!" She started doing a little happy dance on my bed.

"Woah woah woah! Kids? Meg what the bloody hell is wrong with you! I literally live thousands of miles away! It wouldn't work. Besides I doubt he feels the same way. Again. We. Just. Met. Take it down a notch," I cringed trying to calm her down.

"Ok, ok I know. Chill Meg. But you guys would be a cute couple!" she said in a musical tone.

"But that doesn't mean it's going to ha-" I was cut off by a knock at the door.

"Uh, hey ladies. If you're done gossiping, Pam we have to get going." Gavin called through the door. Meg sighed and reluctantly got up from my bed and left the room. I quickly changed into my black Bring Me The Horizion T-shirt. It was by far one of my favorites. With it I threw on a pair of shorts that reached mid thigh. And some sandals to match. I tossed my hair into a quick ponytail. I was prepared for the day.

I ran downstairs to where Gavin and Meg were hugging. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and bid her farewell. I was glad to see them getting along again. I quickly hugged Meg and started to follow Gavin out the door when she grabbed my wrist.

"Hey. Don't be nervous around Trevor. I'm telling you he likes you!" she giggled before pushing me out the door. "Go flirt. See ya."

Gavin has a weird girlfriend. She kinda reminds me of Lisa. As I got in Gavin's car he seemed a lot better than he was earlier. Hey I hate him sometimes but he's still my big brother.

"I see you're in better spirits," I commented as we turned out onto the main road.

"Yeah, you know me I hate when people are mad at me," he told me.

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now