Chapter 5: So You're Trevor!

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So I found this compilation this week. It's pretty good y'all should go watch. ^

"Well someone looks exhausted," said the person who snuck up on me.

I let out a small yelp at the sudden voice. All those years of Gavin scaring me have caused this. I look up to see a man who looked to be around my age. He had black hair and a charming smile. He was wearing an Achievement Hunter shirt and skinny jeans paired with converse. I must say, he was pretty cute. He said that he startled me and began apologizing profusely.

"No no no don't worry about it. My pleb of a brother always sneaks up on me so I'm paranoid already," I tell this person.

"Ohhh hey you must be Gavin's sister! The accent gave it away," he studied me for a moment. "Plus you guys do look similar. Well except for the huge nose," he chuckled.

I laughed. "Yes, I was blessed with a small nose and not the ginormous growth on his face." he chuckled at me. I reached out a hand to him. "I'm Pam. And you are?"

"I'm Trevor Collins. I'm the sheriff around these parts, gotta keep an eye out on these nincompoops," he said with a fake accent as he shook my hand.

Suddenly it clicked. So this was the Trevor who Gav was going to prank with all of those smarties. Poor bloke. I couldn't help but let out a laugh at this thought. He gave me a confused look until I explained.

"So you're Trevor! Gavin told me about you," I said. Don't say too much or he will get suspicious.

"Uh yeah Gavin and I are cool. Only good things right?" he said skeptically.

I giggled. Wait giggled? I don't giggle. Especially around boys. The jet lag is really getting to me. "Yes only good things," then I thought of something. "Hey you know your way around here. Do you know where this barbecue is going to be at? Gavin just said something about a patio and gave me a code and that's it."

"Oh yeah, I was just about to head over there myself. But if course I wanted to make sure you weren't dead." He offered me a hand so I could get up.

"Thanks for that," I told him as I brushed myself off. "Lead the way Copernicus."

"Copernicus?" he asked starting to walk in the other direction.

"Mathematician, genius of the Renaissance era," I shrugged. "Just a name I call people."

"Ohhh ok gotcha." He didn't sound like he got me. "So are you enjoying America?"

"The flight was nice although I'm not a big fan of the heat," I informed him.

"Yeah its not my favorite either," he said scratching the back of his head. "Even the office can get stuffy, air conditioning and all. You get used to it. How long are you here for?"

"I'm not sure if I want to get used to it. Anyway I'm here for two weeks."

"Oh that's cool. Did you chose to come or did Gavin drag you?" he asked with a knowing smile.

"A bit of both, he convinced me in the end. Well him along with my friend Lisa." Then I sarcastically said, "Apparently I need to go 'make some friends and be social' not that I already do that at work." I made air quotes when I spoke. "Mingy little picks," I mumbled.

"Well congratulations you made a friend! Well at least if you want me for a friend." he said nervously. "Where did you say you work?"

"Suck a knob Lisa! I can make friends! Do you mind if I get a picture of you to send to her? She won't believe me otherwise," he agreed and made a weird pose. I snapped a picture and sent it to her saying 'Look a wild friend appeared. SUCK ONE.' "Cheers mate. And to answer your question I'm a chef at one of the restaurants we have over there."

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now