Chapter 20: Accidental Sleepover

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I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to sleep forever, even though I knew I got enough sleep the night before. The last week or so here at Gavin's had been awkward, but I guess I was finally getting used to sleeping here. Opening my eyes I expected to be greeted with the plain eggshell white wall I had been seeing for the past week. Instead I was met with a shock to see a totally different color scheme.

I wasn't at Gavin's.

My eye scanned the room to see that it was a lot smaller than what I was used to as well. In my barley woken state I frantically sat up in the bed throwing my legs over climbing out of the bed. In my haste I didn't realise there was a person laying next to the bed who proceed to try to stand on. I was met with a tired groan of pain, causing me to shriek and throw myself backwards back onto the bed.

"Oh god my fucking stomach," I heard below me. I took a quick moment to calm myself down before steeling a glance at the person. It was Trevor curled up in a ball clutching his stomach.

"Trevor!" I stated in shock. I jumped over him, kneeling down to his level. "I am so sorry! I didn't even care to look down or anything and I just stood up like an-"

"Pam chill!" Trevor told me looking up at me. "For Christ sake it was only an accident!"

"But still I wasn't even paying any at-"

"Stop. Please, it's ok Pam!" He tried to reassure me while still wincing in pain. "You didn't kill me, everything is fine."

"Ok," I sighed. "I'm sorry,"

"See I feel fine, stop worrying."

"So....." I trailed off setting myself down on the carpet crossing my legs. Trevor looked up at me curiously. "I take it I fell asleep?"

"Oh!" He mimicked my position. "I called Gavin and asked him if I should try and bring you home but he reluctantly agreed to let you stay here."

"Well this will be fun," I took a breath in. I knew Gavin was probably uneasy about letting me stay the night at some guy's house. I looked around for my phone finding it on the dresser behind me. I turned it on only to find a dead battery. Flashing the screen at Trevor I silently asked him for a charger. He groaned and face palmed gesturing behind me. I found a charger that was plugged in with no device attached.

"I meant to plug that in," he mumbled behind his hand.

I laughed at him. "It's alright. Mind if I use your phone?"

He handed it over after unlocking it. "Here ya go. I'm going to go make some food. Eggs sound good to you?"

"Yep thanks!" I told him punching in Gavin's number. The contact that cane up was 'That brit guy'. I laughed as I hit dial.

"You better not have done anything with her you prick," Gavin answered on the first ring.

"Calm down ya mong," I told him. "It's just me."

"Pam! Why the bloody hell haven't you been answering my texts or calls?" He nearly shouted.

"It's be been asleep you arse hole," I growled. "Plus my phone was dead."

"Of course it was," I could practically hear his eyes roll. "He didn't try anything with you did he?"

"Honestly Gavin, do you think he would do anything like that?"

For a while I heard nothing but silence but in the background I heard 'she's got a point babe'. Gotta love Meg.

"You're right," he sighed. "You're right! It's just- I'm always going to worry about you Pam."

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now