Chapter 14: We Like To Party

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Turns out the day wasn't over after all.

After the podcast, Trevor came back to the office and found Gavin and I and asked if we wanted to head out on the town with him and Jeremy. I of course said yes, Gavin was hesitant and decided to call Meg and see if she wanted to come with. By then his voice had recovered enough for him to have a normal conversation. As for Meg of course she would never miss the opportunity of potential free booze and decided to join. Eventually word got out further and Lindsay and Michael were both in as well.

Jeremy and Trevor were already pretty pissed from all the alcohol they had already consumed (obviously.) It was just up to Meg, Gavin, and Michael to get wasted. Lindsay and I were to be the sober ones if we decided to hit up a bar. Which was very likely. She would have to drive us all home due to me not having a drivers license. I would just be there to keep an eye on everyone.

Currently all of us were piled into Michael and Lindsays rig. It was big enough to hold all 7 of us easily. The only problem was that I was squished in between the two drunkards, while Gavin and Meg got the very back seat.

"Hey Pam are we goin to drink town?" Trevor slurred. Huh. Funny he didn't seem that drunk back at the office.

"You know Trev, I think you've had enough," I told him honestly. Jeremy laughed out loud.

Trevor also laughed before replying, "I'm fine. I was just messing I only had a few shots." His voice didn't have the slur in it anymore but I was still skeptical. Lisa tried the same thing with me once and she ended up being far past wasted when the night finally ended. That was fun to deal with. "You gonna drink?"

Truth is I never saw the appeal to drinking. All it did was let you momentarily forget your problems and then give you a hell of a headache. Not my forte. "Nope. I'm going to be the chaperone. Can't have you grown children getting us kicked out."

"Aww come on Pam!" Jeremy spoke up. He was way more wasted than Trevor was, which meant more of a headache for me. "Everyone needs to have a good drink in their lives!"

"Been there tried it. Didn't like it."

"Just one shot! Double vodka," Jeremy offered. "I'll even buy it for you."


"Come on you'll like it!"

"Hey lay off my sister you bloke! Someone needs to be there to keep us in line. Not that I don't think you can do it yourself Linds," Gavin spoke up from the back. I shot him a thankful look which he returned with a reassuring smile. Gavin knew that I didn't like to drink. He had been there for me the time when I screwed myself up. Stupid exes. Truth is it was Tom who decided it was a good idea to share a bottle of vodka with me. The next day was the day that I swore never to drink again.

"Yeah Pam I'm definitely going to need your help with these guys," she shot me a wink from the passingers seat. She was saving me as well. Bless this her soul. I smiled back at her gratefully.

"Fine," Jeremy huffed. He dragged it out to sound a lot more whiney. I rolled my eyes. I noticed that Trevor had been quiet for a while. I turned to see him staring intently out the window, with his forehead squished against it.

"Trevor what are you doing?"

"Have you ever noticed how cool it is looking out at all the moving objects but not looking at them?" he started moving his head in circles. "Wicked."

I groaned and leaned back I'm my seat staring up at the roof of the car. Everyone else had burst into laughter.

It's going to be a long night.


The gang decided to have dinner at Chipotle before they got completely hammered. The bar was right down the road anyway so they planned it perfectly. We parked in a lot that was halfway between both businesses, and proceeded to walk to Chipotle.

Lindsay, Meg and I decided to ditch the boys and walk ahead of everyone, already tired of their shenanigans. Lindsay walked inbetween Meg and I and linked all of our arms together as we walked.

"This is going to be a long night Pam, you gonna be ok?" Lindsay asked me.

"As long as I'm not doing this alone, I'll be ok. I have a friend who used to drag me to bars every weekend. Which meant I had to drive her home because she was completely wasted and I had never drank a drop. I'm used to pretty much everything."

"I'll try not to get that screwed up, but I make no promises," Meg told us. "But if I start climbing on tables that's our que to leave."

Lindsay and I laughed. As we laughed we heard a chorus of laughter behind us. Gavin had his phone out while filming Trevor and Jeremy. Meg and I just shared a look and continued on our path.

We finally reached Chipotle and got our food. I, not being a fan of spicy foods, decided to eat light. It wasn't like I was going to be drinking or anything. Meanwhile the rest of the crew loaded their plates up.

When we sat down this time it was me between Meg and Lindsay and Trevor sat across from me on the other side of the table. Michael and Gavin sat at the heads of the table with their significant others on the sides. Meanwhile Jeremy was next to Gavin and Trevor.

Drunk Jeremy and Trevor were a riot. We were all just bickering back and forth over our food. Soon enough everyone was finished and it was time to head to the bar. We all pitched in for the bill before we walked out into the Texas night air. "You ready for this Pam? This is where it gets fun," Lindsay asked from next to me.

Jeremy shouted out from beside us, doing a crazy dance. Everyone started laughing at his show of stupidity, even some Onlookers who were just passing by.

"Not at all Lindsay, not at all," I told her truthfully. I've dealt with one drunk person at a time. Not five of them.

She grinned at me and told me, "You'll be fine, it's them I'm worried about," She was gesturing to where Trevor and Jeremy were behind us now both singing 'we like to party' and doing crazy dances. I sighed.


( A / N )

Oh yeah this was a thing. Sorry it was so short! Then next chapter is going to be better....... I hope.

Hope you guys got to check out Extra Life! They raised $1,209,970.73 in 24 hrs for the kids! It was a riot to watch for the amount of time I was able to, and I am so happy they reached their goal!

What was your favorite part? Mine was Alfreco (? Is that how you spell it?) sharing a shirt:

(There's more pictures on my random shiznit book)

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