Chapter 35: Back to Normal

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No song today. Unless you guys can think of one.


"I can't believe you guys didn't bang," Lisa said bluntly, shaking her head at me.

I shook my head at her, after almost spitting out my tea. Doesn't this girl realize we are in public?

I had arrived in Thame in the middle of the afternoon. Lisa was at the airport ready to pick me up just as she had promised. We agreed to stop at our favorite café before heading home which was were we are now. She ordered me my favorite cup of cinnamon tea that I had been tremendously missing.

"Ah there's that filterless friend I've been missing," I joked with her, sipping my tea.

"You know you missed me," she giggled.

"You know that I did," I smiled at her. Seriously though. She was the only thing missing from America.

"By George I think you've lost you accent," she gasped. "I thought I noticed it before but damn."

"Really?" I asked. I guess I had spent too much time in America.

"American sounds good on you," she smiled taking a drink of her latte. Her eyes drifted away from me and I watched as they trailed after the backside of what looked like a college Jock.

"God I missed you," I laughed shaking my head at her.

"Oh please did you not see that guy?" She exclaimed. "Oh that's right, you only have eyes for another," she smirked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh come on! I though we were through talking about him?" I groaned.

"As if you would ever be tired of talking about him!" She joked.

"Yeah, you're right," I sighed placing my head in my hands. "How can someone be so bloody perfect?"

"I heard you heart say love love love," my best friend sang giggiling afterwards. I glared at her.

"Love, really?" I asked bluntly. "We barley knew each other for a few weeks!"

"I've seen it happen faster," she grinned.

"This isn't one of your shitty romance books Lisa," (A/N: sorry guys it is ;P) I said giving my friend a look.

"We will see," she said downing her latte. "Anyway, time to fill you in on what happened around here. For one, I was bored out of my mind basically the whole time. Seriously you should have called me more. Anyway around the apartments, we got a new neighbor at the end of the hall. Total babe, I think he has a girlfriend though. Uhm. Mr. Johnson chewed out Camie from down the hall, that was quite a sight to see. Broken up by yours truly." She smirked gesturing to herself.

"Wow that was it?" I asked sarcastically.

"Until I think of something else, yes," she said simply. "By the way we are having a binge watching night tonight. You left me in the middle of season five of Grimm. That was not ok Pam. Not. Ok. That was the biggest cliffhanger yet!"

"Sounds like a plan," I grinned. I missed having TV night with Lisa. She would make the funniest comments at the best times. We've been binge watching the show, Grimm, over the past couple months. It was very addicting.

"Well I guess we head home, you probably want to unpack," she sighed grabbing her keys from the table. I nodded and collected my purse, laying down a few bills on the table as a tip. She grinned and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. We walked out of the café a giggling mess, waving at the owner as we exited.

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now