Chapter 32: Boyfriend?

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Iris - Sleeping With Sirens (cover)
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
When sooner or later it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight .


The moment our lips touched, it seemed as though time stopped. Trevor was unresponsive for a moment and I feared that I had made the wrong decision. I was proved wrong once he started kissing me back. I had meant for the kiss to be a light one, but it seemed that the two of us had other plans. Trevor took my face in his hands as he deepened the kiss. I had no objections as I twined my arms around his neck. Our lips moved in sync with each other The logic part of my brain shut off as we kissed. I was more wrapped up in this kiss than I had ever been in any of them I had shared with Tom. After a moment we pulled away both out of breath. We kept our foreheads together, gazing into each others eyes.

"That was," I started, trying to regain my breath. Amazing. My mind finished for me.

"Wow," Trevor finished. I laughed trying to savor the moment.

"You just made it ten times harder to leave in a few days," I sighed snapping my hazy mind back to reality. The logic part kicked in again, causing me to pull away from Trevor. I placed my hands in my lap as I thought. I was saddened by the thought of leaving. When I first got on the plane that day, all I could think about was how happy I would be to get back. Now the thought filled me with dread. This definitely didn't go as planned.
"You don't have to go," Trevor offered. "You could always stay in Austin."

I shook my head and chuckled. "As much as I'd love to live off of the same pile of clothes every week..."

"You know what I mean," he said giving my shoulder a slight nudge. You've really grown on everyone here Pam. All the guys; and gals, at AH really like you. Me especially," he said winking at me.

"I don't think I could just drop everything over there and come here. It took me a while to gain my position at the restaurant," I said matter-of-factly. "Plus I would have to do a lot of research looking for another job and an apartment..."

"I'm sure your brother would let you stay with him for as long as you need. And if not, you've got a place with me," he smiled.

"I don't think I could to that," I sighed shaking my head. "I hate having to depend on people."

"Well if you ever change your mind, the offer is still there," he said grabbing hold of my hand.

"Thank you," I smiled. A comfortable silence fell upon us. I took this time to lean back and stare up at the sky. There was too much light pollution to see the stars very clearly, save for a few. I sighed in content as I leaned my head on Trevor's shoulder. Trevor responded by wrapping his arm around me, pulling me closer. At that moment, nothing could make me happier.


Time flew by at the park. It consisted of me trying to point out different constellations but not actually being able to clarify if they were the real deal or not. Soon, a few unsavory characters that had entered the park and we both decided it would be best to leave.

I loved being able to spend time with Trevor. Once I accepted my feelings towards him, everything seemed almost perfect between us. Besides the looming thought of my departure soon, of course.

The ride home was pleasant, much like the ride to the restaurant. The only bad part was we both knew tonight was coming to an end.

And before we knew it. We had pulled up to Gavin's. Hand in hand, we walked up to the porch.

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