Chapter 23: Who's the Spot?

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( A / N )

Ok bare with me on this one guys, I don't actually know what goes on behind the scenes, and I may have gotten the show itself wrong so....

Shout out to GayJaiRocks for recommending this cast!


"Why the long face Dooley?" I asked Jeremy. He was currently hunched over a piece of paper looking lost in thought. He jumped a little at my sudden voice right next to him.

"Oh, hey Pam," he said putting his pencil down and leaning back in his chair. "I'm working on something."

"Would that be a test by chance?" I asked him. He looked to be concentrating too hard for something casual.

"No, it's just-" he cut himself off. "Ah what the hell maybe you can help me."

"I just might be able to," I smirked at him before walking around to Geoff's desk and stealing his chair. I dragged it back to Jeremy's desk and sat down. "So what's up?"

"So I'm writing a song," he began.

"Then you've come to the right place!" I exclaimed. "I love music! What's it going to be?"

"A rap battle," Oh. I tried my best to hide my cringe but I guess I failed. "Aaaaand I lost her. Thanks for the help pal."

"No I'll still help you, I'm just not a big fan of rap....." It was true, Twenty One Pilots was the only rap I've ever listened to. Willingly.

"It's cool, you don't have to help me," he said turning back to his desk.

"What part of 'I'll still help you' did you not get?" I asked him. "Let's see what you've got so far," I said reaching for the piece of paper. He handed it to me and started explaining what was what.

"So this is Geoff's part, I think I'm going to have him go first since he started this whole ball rolling," he said referring to the company. "I'm going to have him picking a fight with Jack since they always bicker on camera anyway."

"So what is the theme?" I asked scanning over the words on the paper he gave me.

"Each verse is going to be what they're most famous for, like here for Geoff's 'take you out like I'm matching colors in gems of war,' stuff like that," he explained. "Oh and they're all going to be bragging like crazy."

"Alright I get it," I said scanning over more of the paper. He had a pretty good start on all of the members. It was definitely something. "Tell you what, you start writing down what you want each verse to have in it and then we'll start trying to rhyme them together, sound good?"

"That is a good idea," he said grabbing the notebook from his desk. I smiled over at him as he started to jot some ideas down. I would have helped but I definitely wouldn't know as much as he would. I decided to start trying to find things to rhyme with some of the lines Jeremy had on the paper.

A second later I heard, "Got em!"

"That was fast," I said looking up at him surprised. He held the notebook out excitedly for me to look at. I smiled at him and grabbed the pad from him.

Michael: Mogar/max/sun wokung, rage, team lads
Ryan: Mad King, Edgar  team gents
Gavin: British, slo mo, weird bird noises buuucket a million dollars but
Jack: running the show, character asses (GTA)

"Interesting start....." I trailed off. How the hell were we going to make this into a song that rhymes?

"Yeah I know how it all sounds," Jeremy sighed. "I'm usually pretty good at this stuff but I've just got a writers block or something."

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