Chapter 26: Smarties pt 2; The Reaction

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( A / N )

Shout out to KDW-14. Hope your exams went well!

Also READ A/N AT END!!!!


"Text him," Gavin told me.

I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my phone pulling up Trevor's contact information.


I'm so bored! Let me know when you're done?

I instantly cringed at how that sounded but sent it off anyway. Damn you Gavin.




You think you were bored... I'm done now BTW. See you in 5

I stopped sketching to look down at Trevor's text. It was show time. I replied back with a quick 'Hurrah!'

I got up off the couch and walked over to Gavin. The rest of the office was filming Off Topic so it was just Gavin and I. I gave him a shove on the shoulder and held up my phone indicating that Trevor was coming. Both of our faces lit up in grins as we realized what was about to happen.

"Ok so Pam you go with him when he gets into the room but try not to make anything obvious," he said.

"I'm going to just say that I had nothing to do with it. Then later confess," I giggled. Clapping my hands together evilly.

"Perfect," he laughed getting up out of his chair and heading over to the door. "I'm going to go next door and tell them to get ready to film."

"Got it," I said. Gavin returned a moment later.

"Ok Pam, you go wait in the hall close to our door. When you see him coming knock on the door and go greet him. I'll 'walk out' with my phone in my hand discreetly filming. From there you'll walk with him into the office. Lucky you, you get a front row seat. Try not to block the way of the camera that is going to be filming to the right of Trevor's desk," Gavin told me. "Clear?"

"As mud. Lets do this," I sighed. Gavin laughed and pushed me out the door shutting it behind me. I pretended to be on my phone to not seem too suspicious/needy. A couple minutes of wasting my time on Twitter later, I heard voices down the hall. I waited until I could hear them clearer before finally looking up from my phone. I caught the end trails of the conversation, something about, 'she'll definitely go for it man,' and a 'shh.' When the voices finally rounded the corner, I saw Trevor walking down the hall toward me with another guy. I think his name was Kent. Anyway. They were both presumably coming back from the meeting. I grinned at him placing my phone in my back pocket while discreetly knocking on the door behind me. Trevor returned my smile one of his.

"Trevor!" I called. I decided not to care if I ruined his conversation with the other man as I skipped over to him and gave him a hug. As I did this I heard the door open behind me and my brother walk into the hall.

"Oh my lord it's someone I actually want to see," Trevor told me returning my hug. I laughed. I heard Kent let it a 'hey,' acting offended at Trevor's words.

"Ditto?" I said. I think that's how the Americans say it. He laughed at me.

"You were in that meeting the whole time?" I heard my brother say from behind me as I walked with Trevor and Kent towards him.

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