Chapter 27: Surprise!

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(A/N: HEY It's back to smarties day!)



"I swear I am never eating smarties ever again," I told Trevor once we had returned the vacuum.

"How can you not? Smarties are delicious!" Trevor argued.

"I'm sure I have enough in my lungs to last a lifetime," I told him.

"But what if you live two lifetimes?" Trevor asked smugly.

"Oh sod off," I told him.

It was about time to go home, Trevor was just walking me back to the office so I could grab my sketch pad and my brother.

"I'd rather not," he said. I rolled my eyes. The office door was now in sight as we rounded the corner. Trevor walked ahead of me to grab the door for me. I gave him a smile of gratitude as I walked inside the office.

"SURPRISE!!!" a chorus of loud voices screamed at me. I yelped and jumped backwards at the sudden noise. By doing this I successfully knocked myself into Trevor almost taking us both to the ground. A chorus of laughter followed my actions causing me to glare at the culprits.

Ryan, Gavin, Lindsay, Geoff, Jack, and Jeremy were some of the faces I immediately recognized. Others I spotted included Larry, Andy, Matt, Ashley and Meg. There were countless others in the office as well making me wonder how many people this room could hold. I noticed that Larry was sporting a camera aimed at me. Around the room there were also various other cameras pointed at me to capture my reaction. In front of me was a folding Table that held a square cake decorated in the words: GOODBYE PAM.

I brought my hands up to my mouth in surprise. They did this for me?

"You guys didn't have to do this!" I exclaimed, trying not to tear up at this gesture of kindness.

"Of course we did, it gives us an excuse to eat cake," Geoff says walking over to me and giving me a hug ruffling my hair. ( A / N: for those of you who don't know I made it so that Geoff and Pam have already met due to Gavin and Geoff both going to see her in Thame)

"Hey. I don't care how old you are. I will kick your arse," I growled at Geoff fixing my hair and giving him a shove away .

"Wouldn't doubt it," he said winking at me.

I wish I had seen Lindsay skip over to me, that way I could have ducked.

"Goodbye Pam!" She said throwing a handful of glitter on me without warning.
"LINDSAY!" I shouted in fury as I was doused in the pink demon dust. Glitter was the worst.

"God Dammit Lindsay that's never going to come out if the carpet," Michael complained.

"Exactly, it'll be like Pam is always here with us, in glitter form," Lindsay laughed throwing an arm around me.

"But did it really have to be glitter?" Matt chimed in.

"Yes glitter is life," Lindsay joked as she pulled me forward towards the cake.

"No ball is, get it right," Andy huffed.

"Enough dickheads," Geoff called. He turned back to me. "So the reason for all of this is because we are all going to miss you Pam. You make having to work with your brother a little less terrible."

"Wot?" Gavin cried offended. Meg was the first to laugh, which resulted in the rest of the room laughing. Gavin turned to give her a playful glare at her laugh which she made up for with a kiss on his cheek.

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