Chapter 34: Goodbye America, Hello Thame

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Title give anyone flashbacks? Just me? Ok.

Now Playing:
Ground Control - All Time Low (ft. Tegan and Sara)

Don't be afraid no, if you start floating away, hey, I promise you we'll be fine, the universe on our side.


The smell of bacon roused me from my peaceful sleep. My stomach growled reminding me that I haven't ate in a while. God I was hungry. But I didn't want to get up. I pulled the covers higher and snuggled further into the bed, getting comfortable again.

"WAKE UP!" A feminine voice shouted from next to me. I, not expecting it of course, jumped in fright almost making me go rolling off the bed. I looked around to see Meg at the side of my bed holding up a phone and a piece of bacon. She was still dressed in her pj's and from the looks of it, she was recording me.

"What in the bloody hell is wrong with you!" I exclaimed. "I could have died Meg!"

"Oh please. We had to have something to remember you by," she giggled. That's when it dawned on me.

I leave in a few hours. I sighed and fell back onto the bed. I went from angry and scared to depressed.

"Hey, come on. Don't be like that," Meg said putting down her phone and sitting next to me. "I brought you a piece of bacon. You can't be unhappy with bacon."

I grabbed the piece of meat from her, immediately gnawing on it. "Yes, I can. Don't make me go," I whined.

"I'm sorry babe, you have to," she sighed. "It's not like you're gonna loose us as friends or anything."

"Yeah but I'll be thousands of miles away from you," I mumbled.

She paused for a moment, trying to think of something to say. "Let's not worry too much about that for now ok? Come on get dressed, I have a surprise for you downstairs," she said tugging me up from the bed.

"Fine," I sighed. She gave me a final smile for heading out. I put on a floral blouse and a pair of skinny jeans to pair with my combat boots. From there I trudged downstairs to eat my final breakfast in America. For a while anyway.

I grumply walked into the kitchen expecting to see Gavin and Meg, per usual. They were there. But they were joined by someone else.

"Hey beautiful," Trevor grinned when he saw me. Seeing him here practically shoved me out of the depressed mood I was conjuring up for myself. My face lit up with a grin as I saw him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Meg and Gavin fist bump.

"Hey there handsome," I giggled closing the distance between us. He pulled me close and gave me a not so quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey, no PDA in my house ya knob heads," Gavin exclaimed. I ignored my brother and pulled Trevor into a hug, enjoying one of our last moments together.

"I helped make you a plate. Though Meg is the main chef," Trevor said gesturing over to five plates up on the counter.

"That's great because I am starving!" I said giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Trevor led me over and showed me which plate was mine, and I couldn't help but laugh. He had arranged the eggs and bacon into the form of a smiley face with a tongue sticking out.

I gave him a light shove. "Oh you," I giggled.

"Hey, you gotta have some fun today," he joked.

"You guys are so cute," Meg gushed, snapping a quick picture with her phone.
"Meg I swear if you show that video to anyone I will fly in from Thame and make you pay," I growled remembering what she did earlier. She laughed.

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