Chapter 1: Annoying Arse Brother

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"Pam wake up and entertain me!" is the first thing I wake up to.

Why did I even invite him to stay with me he's such a moron. I mean really who even gets up this early? I didn't need to check the clock to know it was too early for me. I understand that the time zones are different, but he didn't have to wake me up.

"Piss off Gavin let me sleep." No one interrupts my sleep. Even family. Yep. That plonker is my brother, Gavin Free. My name is Pamela Free, his sister. Of course you've probably already figured that out. "Go watch sitcoms like you used to every damn day."

"But Pam I'm a 29 year old man!" I could just hear the pout in his voice, not that I care as I bury my head further into my pillow. He can entertain himself. There's a TV, and an Xbox and so many other things he could be doing without bothering me. He could even call his girlfriend.


He must have gone away. Thank gods. Back to bed.

"PAM THERE'S A SPIDER BY YOUR HEAD!!!" I suddenly heard right next to my ear. My eyes snapped open and my body reacted without a thought.

I sprung out of bed in terror at the sudden loud noise. I fell flat on my back, groaning upon impact. It wasn't because I'm scared of spiders, no they're my buddies! Apparently Gavin forgot about that.

Before I was actually just about to drift off again but then he decided to pull this load of gaf on me. It's just like I'm 10 again. He always used to do that to me when we were children. My back acing and my mind half asleep, I sat up on my cold floor and started to lay into him.

"GAVIN YOU TOSSPOT! DO YOU MIND? GO STUFF A BAGEL IN YOUR GOB OR SOMETHING!" I shout at him making wild gestures with my arms trying to get him to go away. Now that I had stopped yelling, I tried to calm my heart. Granted it was something that I was used to, but it never softens the blow.

I let out a frustrated growl letting myself fall back onto the ground. Great, now I'm wide awake. There is no chance of going back to sleep now. Instead I'm just going to lay here, on this cold floor of mine while that oaf of a brother laughed at me. I stared up at my Bring Me The Horizon poster on my ceiling while I tried collecting my brain from whatever trench it just got screamed into. Meanwhile Gavin is still on the other side of the bed laughing his arse off. What a prick.

"And mum and dad say I'm the immature one," I grumbled.

"Now that you're up- Wait get up!" he commanded when he noticed me still laying on the floor. He got up from his position on the floor and flopped down on my bed where I was just laying not even a minute ago.

"Sod off."

"Hey so why do you still have pictures of Andy Ballsac on your wall? I thought that was just a dumb teenage phase."

It took my sleepy mind a moment to process what he just said. "Hey Gavin?"

"Yes Pam?"

"Shut the hell up and get out would you?"
"How about no?" he remarked.

"How about I lay here for the rest of the day and ignore you?" I shot back looking up at him.

He sighed, "Sorry for insulting that ugly arse wannabe band member. Now will you get up?"

I thought for a moment. Do I really want to get up? After what he just said? I think I'll just lay here.

"Ok guess we'll do this the hard way," the next thing I know I'm getting dragged out of my room by my legs. After the first few feet I was fighting my shirt from riding up on me. "God, you've gained weight haven't you?"

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now