Chapter 3: Goodbye Thame, Hello America

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(A/N Just wanted to point out that this ^ is the guy that you are currently reading about. Continue.)

(A/N (again) there are a lot of time skips in this one cause I wanted to spare you all the boring deets. Plus I know you guys are dying to see Trevor sometime in this century.)

"Flippin hell PAM WAKE UP! We are leaving soon you twat!" Oops. Looks like I forgot to sent an alarm. I jolted up and looked around frantically. In the process I fell onto the floor. How many times am I going to wake up and end up falling to the floor this week?

"Pam get out of my house and make that looser of a brother to shut up." Lisa placed a pillow over her head and sunk deeper into the couch. We must have fallen asleep on the couch last night. That's gonna be great on my neck. I popped it as I picked myself off the floor.

Mumbling profanities under my breath I grabbed my bag of popcorn and went to the door, opening it to find a particularly angered Gavin. So I shushed him, threw the bag of popcorn at him, and then slammed the door. I instantly cringed at how loud it was. I heard a soft thud next to me. That must have been Lisa throwing a pillow or something at me. I looked to my side and saw the small throw pillow slumped over beside me. I turned and glared in Lisa's direction, knowing it was her who threw the pillow, unfortunately it looked like the couch has partially devoured her so she was unable to see my glare. I rolled my eyes.

"Pam we don't have all day just make it quick please!" I checked the clock and it was barley 8:35! Gavin shut up. Suddenly it sounded like a zombie had spawned itself in Lisa's flat. I turned to see her emerging from the couch, Frankenstein style. She threw the pillow that had been covering her face across the room as she sat up.

"UGH I guess now that I was rudely awaken I'll drive you guys to the airport." Lisa said as she got up. "You go shower at your own house and I'll be over in about ten yeah?" I nodded and grabbed my things, walking out of her flat. So much for pj's. I didn't even get a chance to put them on before I passed out last night. That's usually what happens when I hang out with her. I normally just walk over in my pj's but last night was a little hectic.

And of course Gavin was waiting for me inside my apartment to chew me out. And probably give the 'where have you been' speech. Frankly, I wasn't in the mood.

I opened my mouth to try to explain but he quickly cut me off. "I don't care just go get ready please," he said clearly exasperated. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he sat down on the couch. He of course was already ready to leave with his Rooster Teeth t-shirt and shorts. I stood there in momentary shock, completely astonished that he would be mad at me over this. I could feel the anger building at the back of my mind as I tried not to yell at my brother.

"Lisa wants to drive us to the airport," I snapped at him. With that I stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door. I dropped my things on the floor and stood in front of the mirror. Why the hell was he getting so worked up about this? He had no right to snap at me like that! I woke up a little late, so what? He used to do that all the time! The way I see it is holiday = extra sleep time. But apparently not in Gavin's book.

I looked at my expression in the mirror. Sleeping on the couch did not help me at all. My hair was on the fritz and I looked like someone just kicked my puppy. Brothers. I sighed as I got into the shower.

*time skip brought to you by rubber duckies on fire*

"Okokokokok I'm going blimey," I said.  Gavin just told me to hurry up and say mine and Lisa's final goodbyes. The ride to the airport had been a quiet one. I was giving Gavin the silent treatment during that time. It was the only way I knew how to be mad at him without completely loosing it. This meant he was in the back seat while I rode up front. He had finally apologized to me about halfway to the airport. It took him a couple of times worth of apologizing until I finally accepted, slightly annoyed that he had kept it up. But the past is in the past. "I'm going to miss you so much Lisa!" I cried consuming her in a giant bear hug. 

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now