Chapter 11: The Coffee Incident

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As soon as Meg and Gavin left I was completely bored. I got out my 'phone' as I've learned to call it, not mobile. I knew it was too late for Lisa to be awake so I decided to waste my time on twitter. I flopped down on the couch and started scrolling through my feed.

A couple of my favorite bands were hinting at new music which I was super bloody excited for. I stalked every one of them before I threw my phone down beside me. Suddenly bored once again. The wall in front of me had become quite interesting. There was a couple of framed pictures of Meg and Gavin next to the windows. I couldn't help but be jealous of how happy they looked. Groaning I got up from the couch. My stomach protested this action, as it had been doing all night, so I headed to the kitchen.

Of course I immediately went to the fridge. I was holding off eating earlier, even though I have been slowly starving. It's getting better now but my whole schedule is still screwy. I saw that the clock said 6:40. Oh look new record.

After grabbing a mix of all three of our leftovers from the trip last night I popped them into the microwave. I got an evil thought in my head and decided to screw with Gavin. Where he scribbled his name on his box I added a line to the 'v'. It now says 'Gay' instead of 'Gav'. I smirked at my own stupidity. I have the maturity of a two year old.

The microwave dinged as I finished loading everything back in the fridge. I dug into my other quarter of the pasta I had last night first. It was definitely one of the better dishes I've had. It wasn't as good as what I would make but I give them credit.

After polishing off the rest of my food I decided to head into the living room to see what was on the tele. I decided to put on one of my all time favorites, The Nightmare Before Christmas. I shrugged knowing it was nowhere even close to Halloween or Christmas. It was still an awesome movie that defiantly needed a sequel so Fall Out Boy and Korn and the rest of those good bands can cover the songs.

Of course I sang all of the songs because I've only seen this about 30 times. Well if you can even call that singing. I heard a dog howling from outside. It was probably singing along with me. Once the movie was over I had no clue what to do with my life. It was only 8:00 and Gavin told me to try to make it till 10. This is going to be a long night.

An idea popped into my head. Coffee! I hardly ever drink it because I just don't enjoy the taste, but it sure does wake me up. I skipped over to the kitchen to find the coffee pot. I searched around to find the coffee to put in the pot but found the can to be empty. I groaned and mentally scolded myself. I had forgotten Meg told Gavin that they were out of coffee this morning. I really don't want to go to the store, but I'm sure there's a coffee shop open around here somewhere. I dig around in my memory trying to find out if Gavin ever mentioned a coffee place. After a moment of thinking I did remember something. Now how to get there........

I looked it up on Google but found no results. I rolled my eyes not being in the mood for Google right now. Time to call in back up.


Hey you.


Yeah you.


I need help.


It's an emergency.


A coffee related emergency.

It didn't take to terribly long for him to respond. I was only bored enough to throw my phone up and down.


Haha you scared me there for a second. What's up?


Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now