Chapter 15: The Bear Went Over The Mountain

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Ok so I'm VERY ashamed at this chapter. I DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE DRUNK PEOPLE. This whole thing is just a giant train wreck. You have been warned.

After a couple minutes of walking, we arrived at the bar. It didn't look as nice as the one back home in Thame, but what can you do. The guys practically ran inside at the thought of boos. I inwardly groaned.

The inside if the bar had a warm air to it, even though the air smelled of cigarette smoke and alcohol. Adjusting my eyes to the inside I allowed my hearing to take over. An old country song was playing from the jukebox in the corner. I scowled to myself. I could deal with all other forms of music, just not country. This night was going to be the worst.

Lindsay seemed to catch on to my discomfort. She threw an arm around me, "We've got this Pam. Come on. It's time for us to make sure they don't horribly embarrass themselves."

And with that the night truly began.


"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR SHIT JEREMY GET IN THE DAMN TRUCK!" Lindsay growled at him. He had about ten shots of something at this point was far past what would be considered pissed. He had been doing everything he could in the past twenty minutes to piss Lindsay off. It was time to go and Jeremy was slumped down on the sidewalk like a child.

"No!" He shouted out quickly. A chorus of laughter followed his pathetic shout. Oh yeah. I forgot I was supposed to be babysitting everyone else. They were also extremely pissed. How that happened so fast I have no clue.

"Alright the show's over wankers! Get in the truck!" I ordered. I have learned that you have to be firm with drunkards or else they won't listen to you. Thanks Lisa. Sure enough Meg and Gavin grumply got into the very back of the SUV. Michael followed with a 'daaaammn Pam!' Which he laughed stupidly at afterword before climbing in the middle seat. I heard a wasted giggle behind me and groaned. This one was going to be the worst.

"Heyyyy Pam!" Trevor laughed. I turned to face the tosspot.

"Trevor. Truck. Now." I ground out. I usually never get angry at anyone, but these guys were trying my patience. I could hear the shouting match that Lindsay was getting into with Jeremy. All I wanted to do was go to bed! I was tired as hell.

"Butttt Paaaaam I wanna stay out with youuuuu," he whined.

This kid, I was not in the mood. "Last warning Trevor, you better get your arse in the truck right now," I glared at him.

"Has everyone ever told you you have such a sexy accent? Gavin's isn't though, just yours," he gave me a dazzling smile. I was momentarily caught off guard at this statement. Sexy? He's drunk Pam! I mentally scolded myself. Ok if he wasn't going to listen to me it was time to bring out the big guns.

I put on my best flirty smile walking up to him. Feeling a burst of confidence when his smile faltered I ran my hand across his cheek. He seemed to lean his head into my hand before I reached his ear. I pinched it between my fingers and proceeded to drag him to the truck. The whole distance he was letting out a jumbled mess of 'oww's'. Before I was able to shove him in, I heard a chorus of laughter once more and I realized we had an audience.

Everyone that was in the truck was gazing out the window riddled with laughter. Lindsay was also joining in but Jeremy, who was now laying on the ground had a look of fear in his eyes. Lindsay looked down at him with a wicked look in her eye. Jeremy sprung up from his spot and sprinted toward the truck before launching himself inside it, crashing into Michael who let out a loud ' what the fuck!' Trevor then reluctantly got in and joined the mess of idiots inside the truck. I slammed the door shut once everyone was successfully inside the truck.

Lindsay let out a 'whoop' from beside me and gave me a high five. "That was awesome Pam! Nice thinking with the sneaky cheek caress ear pinch move!" She then said in a lower voice. "Honestly you had us all going, I though you were for sure going to make out with him," she winked at me, before walking over to the drivers side. I giggled and got in shotgun.

"Nah I'm too sneaky for that," I assured her. She grinned at me before buckling up and starting the engine. The little gibber gabbers in the back quieted once the engine started.

"This is your captain speaking, I would like to ask all passengers to please buckle up and keep all limbs inside the vehicle," she said in her best pilot voice. I laughed at her and turned around to make sure everyone was buckling up.

Once everyone was settled, we drove away. I sighed proudly. At last, silence.

"I say we sing a song!" Jeremy hollared. I put my head down in my hands. I heard Trevor immediately agree, and the rest just mumbled out 'sure's'.

"Actually I could just turn on the radi-" I started bit was immediately interrupted.

"No we wanna sing!" Jeremy snapped. I threw up my hands in frustration. Slumping back in my seat. Lindsay shot me a look that said 'sorry'. "This one is one of my all time favorites, sing it if you know it!"

He then proceeded to sing the bear went over the mountain.

At that moment I started to hate myself. Why? Because I didn't bring my headphones.

Suddenly it seem as though all of the tosspots in the car joined in. Lindsay and I shared a look. I sighed glancing down at the clock. It was 11:30. I grinned to myself as I pulled out my phone. I quickly punched in Lisa's number. Of course I knew that she wouldn't be awake but I wanted to leave her a voice mail. Sure enough the generic voice mail message played and once that beep sounded I angled the mic toward the back of the truck, hopefully getting a good recording of the idiots in the back. After a moment I bright the phone back toward me and shouted into the mic:

"Save me!"

( A / N )

So that was a thing. Sorry it's so short but I think we're all done with this

Just want to say thank you guys for all of the votes and comments! They really mean the world to me!

Anyway to make up for whatever that chapter was, here's Trevor:

Anyway to make up for whatever that chapter was, here's Trevor:

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Anyway I'm going to go work on my research paper that's due tomorrow

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Anyway I'm going to go work on my research paper that's due tomorrow. Wish me luck guys!

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now