Chapter 18: Videogames And Chill

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( A / N )

She's alive! Sorry I've been gone guys I'll explain where I was at the end. Read on!


When we finally arrived at Trevor's flat we were a mess. We were a giggling mess, laughing at everyone and everything. It felt great being able to act like this with someone else besides Lisa. It honestly felt like nothing could destroy my mood today.

As we climbed the steps up to Trevor's flat laughing at a joke that he had just told me a high pitched voice rang out, "Trevor!"

I looked up to see a woman walking down the hall toward us. She looked to be about my age, probably older. She had bleach blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She also had enough makeup on that I'm sure was not great for her health. She had on a pair of pink stilettos with a white miniskirt and blouse.

"Oh, uh hey Destiny," Trevor said awkwardly, all signs of the joy that we were experiencing gone from his expression.

"Got any plans tonight hun? I was gonna head down to the bar and grab a drink if you wanted to tag along," she suggested in a sultry voice, suddenly standing dangerously close to Trevor.

She didn't so much as glance in my direction, she just had her eyes glued to Trevor the whole time. It took everything in me from grabbing her by her horribly bleached hair and throwing her down the stair-


Why am I getting this angry?

"Uh, actually Destiny I was going to hang out with-"

He never got to finish for she replied in the most whiney voice I had ever heard, "Come on Trevor, you gonna leave a gal by herself for the night?"

"In all due respect I think you're quite capable-" she cut him off again.

"Come on babe, you know you want to," she smiled seductively as she placed her hands on his chest, leaning in close.

This was my breaking point. Trevor looked beyond uncomfortable with the blonde so I decided to help him out.

"Hey, yeah Destiny is it? Sorry to disappoint you but Trevor already has plans with me tonight so he can't go with you. I'm sure you can find someone else to entertain yourself with," I told her in a fake happy tone, venom threatening to take over. I grabbed Trevor's arm and tugged him along down the hall.

The blond was glaring daggers at me as I led Trevor away from her in the direction of his flat. Luckily he already had his keys out and he unlocked the door, quickly pushing me in and slamming the door shut behind him, his back to the door.

"Thank you so much Pam," he breathed. "That lady has been a complete nightmare. She's been trying to get me to go with her for weeks. The moment she found out I was even a bit famous she was all over me."

"Honestly you looked beyond uncomfortable so I decided to help you out," I told him.

"That was much appreciated," he told me as he got up off the floor. "Ok! So down to business, what do we want to play?"

"Well what do you have?"

He went to the small cabinet under the Tele and began listing off a names of various video games until I heard one I liked.

"Mario Kart!" I shouted out.

Trevor looked up at me and blinked at me, startled at my outburst. "Alrighty Mario it is," he said starting up the game. "But first you want anything to drink?"

"Anything without alcohol, tea maybe?" I asked.

"Dr Pepper it is!" He said walking to the kitchen. I laughed. He shouted from the kitchen; "Sorry, I'm not much of a tea drinker."

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now