Chapter 16: Hangovers and Possible Dates?

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I groaned as I woke to a bright light shining on my face. All I remembered was getting home last night after dealing with Meg and Gavin and just flopping on my bed and passing out. I guess I forgot to close the drapes.

I groggily got up and shut them, shrouding the room in darkness once more. Shuffling back toward the bed I flopped down on it, much like last night. Only this time sleep didn't come.

Instead I snuggled up under the warm covers and pulled my mobile off the charger. It wasn't even 8 o'clock yet. I hate myself sometimes.

I unlocked it to various text messages. There was one from Lisa, one from Trevor, and one from an unknown number. I decided on checking Lisa's first.


Christ alive you must have had fun last night.

I remembered the voice mail I had left her with the tosspots singing in the background. I stifled my giggles with a pillow, not wanting to wake the rest of the house up. After calming down I quickly typed back:


It was like dealing with five of you when you're drunk!

Next I decided to check Trevor's.


If the sky fell and I died would you miss me?

I rolled my eyes, wanting to smother myself with a pillow. He had sent this shortly after we dropped him off.


I'm pretty sure if the sky fell we would all be dead you bloody tosspot

After sending that I checked the one from the number I didn't recognize.


Was Abraham guilty of Murder? www.I'

Need an Ark?

Want to look like Gavin?

I didn't need to look at the rest of them. The last one had me bursting out in laughter. This was obviously Jeremy or Michael and I'd bet my hat that it was Jeremy.


You sir are a god

Then I thought if one.


Want to know if Gavin has been put in jail?

I put my phone down beside me, already proud of what I've accomplished for the day. I debated trying to go back to sleep but a ding from my phone had me wide awake again.


Hey what happened to Skyping me every other day?

I inwardly groaned. I had completely forgotten about that. I glanced around the room looking for my laptop. I spotted it sitting in the corner on the charger. I dragged myself out of bed and then I ran myself to the other end of the room where the laptop was, yanked it off the charge and barreled back to bed. I wrapped myself in my comforter once more as I called Lisa.

She picked up on the first ring. "Wow a friend who actually calls me? No bloody way!" She exclaimed in a terrible fake British accent.

"Oh sod off I've been busy!" I exclaimed back. "Did you not hear the voice mail from last night?"

"Yeah yeah how's that going for ya?" She asked brushing some of her hair our of her face. From the lighting in the room I guessed it was mid afternoon.

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