Chapter 17: The Anthem

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( A / N )

This is the song that I mention in this chapter so you can listen If you want to.^ __________

After what felt like hours we heard a knock at the door. A warm smile came to my face as I realized who it was. I checked the clock and realized a couple of hours had passed. Meg gave me a knowing look before getting up and heading to the door. Laughing I got up from my comfy chair and ran upstairs before Meg could get the door.

Grabbing my purse from my room I quickly ran out of the room. Once I got to the stairwell I sat on the railing and slid the whole way down landing gracefully and striking a pose. I heard clapping and turned in the direction of it. Trevor was there, looking handsome as ever might I add, applauding me.

"Well done my lady, well done," he said.

I bowed. "I thank thee good sir," he laughed at me.

"Shall we go?"

"Let's shall," he said in a Patrick Star voice. "I haven't had lunch yet and I'm starving."

"Oh good, I'm not alone," I cheered. Minecraft makes you loose track of time.
"We didn't exactly have a game plan or anything huh?" He asked me.

"Nope! Let's just wing it," I giggled. I glanced over at where Meg and Gavin were in the living room. Meg they were huddled over Gavin's phone laughing at something on the screen. I looked back at Trevor with a questioning look. He shrugged back at me. Suddenly his face lit up. He crouched on the ground and motioned me to get down with him. Confused I obliged, but gave him a questioning look. In return he put his finger to his lips and then made a 'scary' face.

Translation: We're going to scare Meg and Gavin.

I gave him a wide smile and a thumbs up signaling I was in. Trevor nodded and we crawled over to the couch where the unsuspecting couple were at.

"They're gonna be so mad!" Gavin squealed.

"Shut up! They might hear you," Meg shushed him. I heard the weight on the couch shift which I assumed was her turning around to look at where we were. "Oh nevermind I guess they already left. Rude, they didn't even say goodbye," Meg told Gavin.

Now was the perfect time. I turned my attention to Trevor who nodded at me. He held up three fingers, then two. After the last one went down we both sprang up from behind the couch and shouted as loud as we could.

The first thing I noticed when we did this was a projectile, I had no idea what, hit the wall across from us. It hit dangerously close to the Television and landed with a thud on the ground beneath it. Then next thing that I saw was Meg and Gavin hit the floor in front of us, screaming like banshees. Trevor and I fell onto the back of the couch in a fit of giggles.

What once we're looks of terror on my brother and his girlfriend's face, changed into glares directed at Trevor and I. At least that what I thought it was, due to the tears blocking my line of sight. This was bloody comedy gold at its finest!

"What the hell guys!?" Meg shouted at us, clutching her chest. Gavin merely flopped back onto the ground with his hands covering his head.

"Oh you know you love us Meg!" I managed to get out between giggles. Trevor was still beside me laughing like a maniac. When we both managed to calm down again, wiping tears from our eyes. It was then that I noticed that now both Meg and Gavin were on the floor, trying to recover from their scare. Trevor and I shared a glance before bursting out into laughter once more.

Gavin let out a groan of frustration. "Alright that's it! Both of you out of my house now!" He shouted jumping up from his spot on the floor. He came around the other side of the couch and grabbed us both my the shirts, dragging us toward the front door.

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