Chapter 36: Look How Far We've Come

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( A / N )

I don't have a song today but to make up for it here's our precious little bean in a barrel. ^

The days seemed to pass by in haste. Trevor and I still talked every day, but it wasn't the same as actually being near him. I missed Trevor. I missed the new friends that I made, of which I had also been talking too. Though not as often. I missed America.

Two weeks had passed since my adventure away from my hobbit hole. I fell back into my usual routine. I work everyday, grocery shopping on Thursdays, and listening to emo on Wednesday.

Lisa had noticed my drastic attitude change over the past few weeks. She had commented on it a few times but I shrugged her off. I had a habit of burying my problems from the world.

It was now Thursday night. I was at Bello's, continuing my job that I loved so much. I had started back to work immediately the next day after I stepped off that plane. I've been working every night since then. My internal clock had completely been rewired since arriving back here in Thame, so I had plenty of energy to continue until 10 o'clock at night.

Ever since I got back, my crew had been giving me odd looks. The first night it wasn't too bad, but every night since they had been given more and more often. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what was amiss. I was respected among my coworkers, save for David who was still probably trying to seal my job.

"Free, in my office now," I was snapped out of my thoughts. I recognized the voice immediately. My boss' words were final. I had never heard him use that tone directed toward me, it was usually directed toward the new hires.

I would be lying if I said my heart didn't drop as I set down my work. I glanced around at my coworkers to see them giving me pity glances while continuing their work. I took off my apron and hung it up before entering Bello's office.

"Is there something wrong sir?" I asked hesitantly not wanting to possibly anger my boss any further.

"You're not in trouble Pam," he said in a much softer tone gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk. "But I would like to talk with you. Sit."

I relaxed a bit taking a seat in one of the chair. Hardly anyone went into this office without bad news following. I was not planning on loosing my job tonight.

"Pamela Free," he started looking me dead in the eye. "Ever since you started working here, Bello's has thrived. You are one of the best Chefs I have encountered on my career. You always seem so happy to come into work and put in that apron everyday. Put simply, you're a joy to be around."

I nodded my thanks still keeping silent. He just wanted to compliment me?

"Although ever since you've returned to us from America, you've changed," he told me bluntly. "Not in a bad way, you just seem a bit detached is what I'm saying."

"I apologize for this behavior sir, I didn't realize I was acting this way. I will work on it, I promise. I absolutely love working here, I mean it's like a second home to me I just-"

"Pamela slow down, it's not like you're getting fired or anything!" Bello chuckled interrupting me from my rant.

"I'm not?" I asked, confused beyond belief.

"On the contrary," he laughed. He was always one for jokes. "You must be missing America I would assume?"

"More than I would care to admit," I said sheepishly.

"What is it about America I wonder," he said studying me. "Is it the country? Or maybe it's a love interest that you met?"

At that particular comment I felt myself start to blush. I glanced away hoping he wouldn't notice.

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now