Chapter 13: Loosing Voices

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I woke up feeling better rested than I had in a long time. And by long time I meant the whole time I've been in America, which at this time had almost been four days. I was just glad that I was slowly getting over jet lag. I got up and stretched looking over at the sliver of sunlight leaking out from behind the curtains. The next moment I heard a knock on my door.

"Pam? You awake yet?" I heard Gavin ask through the door. I reluctantly got out of the cozy bed and shuffled over to the door. I opened it to see Gavin dressed and ready to go. I mentally panicked. He's going to try to leave without me! He must of saw what was happening in my mind because he let out a chuckle. "Don't worry I'm not leaving you, I just got up early today. You still got 10 minutes," he smirked.

"Bollux!" I shouted. Before trying to slam the door on him. He caught it with his foot and started giggling like a schoolgirl.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" he said between laughs. "Oh man your face! You still have and hour I was just screwing around." I glared at him and wacked him on the shoulder.

"You prick!" I screamed. You don't just do that to people! Girls especially!

As a response he just laughed and walked away. I slammed the door shut and went to take a shower.


Almost a half an hour later Gavin and I pulled up to the office. He parked in his usual spot, but before we got out he stopped me.

"So today I'm doing an off topic, you know the show were we drink ourselves silly and talk about completely off the nob stuff?" I nodded my head. "So I'm just going to leave you with Trevor, or any of the other guys who aren't on the show. Is that ok?"

"Yeah it's no problem Gav. Honestly I feel bad that you're having to look after me when we're here."

"Well I can't have you running around like a wild dog. You might get me fired," he smirked. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car.

When we got inside, Gavin decided it would be a good idea to sneak up on Michael. He had his headphones on and was bobbing his head up and down to a song that was playing. Gavin roughly grabbed Michaels shoulders and sort of shook him whilst screaming. Michael jumped slightly but when he realized it was Gavin you could tell by his expression that there would be hell to pay. First he turned around and kicked Gavin in the shin. Gavin squealed in pain, clutching his shin. It wasn't over yet. Michael then proceeded to punch Gavin right in his knob. Gavin went down like a sack of bricks.

The whole office, which currently consisted of Jeremy Ryan and Geoff, burst into laughter at the series of events that just transpired. Gavin was on the floor holding his knob while Michael screamed at him, his face a bright shade of red. At this point I had collapsed onto the couch in hysterics.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN SCARE ME AND NOT GET AWAY WITH IT? YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON! SERIOUSLY WHAT KIND OF SHIT GOES THROUGH YOUR HEAD YOU FUCKTARD?" Michael continued screaming obscenities at him as my brother slowly picked himself off the floor. Out of the corner if my tear filled eye I saw someone walk into the room and start to slowly back out when they heard Michael. I turned just in time to see Trevor's skinny frame back out. I wiped the tears out of my eye and got up off the couch, reluctantly following. I really enjoy Gavin getting rinsed more than I should. Trevor was waiting by the door on his phone, presumably texting someone. He hadn't noticed me yet. I debated scaring him like Gavin just attempted to do with Michael. A moment later I heard my phone ding. Plan ruined. Stupid phone. Trevor glanced up when he heard it. I decided to check it anyway


Holy shit I think you're brother is about to be murdered! Escape before he kills you for being related. I'm out in the hall. I'll protect you the best I can!

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