Chapter 21: Shopping!

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( A / N )

Sorry that this is so late guys! I tried to post it this morning but instead of posting the chapter wattpad decided to delete it so I had to rewrite the chapter. So here's the shitty version of it.


"Ok I say we hit up the mall first!" Meg said.

"No way malls are trash," Lindsay commented. "We gotta do the stores downtown! They have the cutest stuff."

"I say we do both," I told the two bickering in the front seat. "We visit the shops downtown first and since it's close enough to lunch we find a restaurant to eat at to avoid the greasy food courts at the mall. After we've eaten we go to the mall and then anywhere else we decide."

"You're a good negotiator, I like it!" Lindsay said turning around and high fiving me.

"Alright downtown it is," Meg said turning onto the freeway.

On the way there we turned on the radio and started to jam out to I'm Walking On Sunshine by Katrina & The Waves. This is one of Lisa's favorite songs so I was always forced to listen to it whenever we hung out. It was definitely not one of my punk/rock music picks but I have to admit it was catchy. When the song ended we had arrived downtown. We all agreed to go eat lunch first to start out our day.


We decided to eat at a small restaurant called Fire and Ice ( A / N: I have no idea if this is a real place ). I ordered a ham and cheese melt while Lindsay ordered a burger and Meg ordered a wrap. Once the waiter left we sat in silence. Unfortunately, it was only for a moment.

"So Pam tell us," Meg said.

"What pray tell happened last night at Trevor's?" Lindsay finished for her. They were way to in sync and I admit I was genuinely scared.

"If you two ever do something like that again I'm bailing," I said seriously. They both laughed like lunatics and the urge to run out of the restaurant grew. "I honestly don't know why everyone thinks that something happened between us! He doesn't like me like that guys," I downplayed.

"Bullshit!" Meg singsonged. "I already told you my thoughts on the situation there but that isn't the point right now. We want details on everything."

"Every dirty bit," Lindsay agreed turning around to look at me in the back. I pursed my lips. They want to know? Fine it's their funeral. 'Here lies Meg Turney and Lindsay Jones. They died of boredom listening to Pam's uneventful night.'

Sighing I started when we first got back to his apartment with that blonde fake Ditsy or whatever her name was. They exchanged looks when they heard about my clear jealousy.

"She's totally crushing," Lindsay said to Meg. Meg nodded and gave me a wicked smile.

"Now we just have to figure out how to pair you two up," Meg said.

"Oooh I've got the perfect idea!" Lindsay clapped excitedly. She turned to Meg, "So what if we-"

"Guys!" I shouted at them cutting their conversation short. A couple of the parties around us started giving us weird looks at my outburst. I dialed it down. "Please don't interfere. I really like Trevor but we all know that a relationship would not work between us," I pleaded with them. They shared a slightly guilty look before I continued. "I'm leaving in a week, and probably not going to return for some time. Just let it go please," I asked.

I waited for them to agree or back down. Instead Lindsay nudged Meg and leaned over to whisper in her ear. I rolled my eyes and threw my hands up in defeat leaning back in my chair. I watched Meg smile and nod as Lindsay turned back tword me with a smirk.

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