1,000 View Special!

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( A / N )

Thank y'all so much for the 1,000 views! It really means a lot to me that so many people have taken the time to check this out. Never did I ever think something that I've written would ever be half this successful! Granted it still seems shitty to me but if I have 1,000 views I guess that says otherwise. Now let's shoot for 100 votes! Jk I'm not that greedy.

So anyway enough of my blabbering, I'm sure you guys want to know what's up. I know that y'all think that the fic is moving kinda slow (and ima keep dragging it out bc I like writing it) So what I'm going to do is I'm going to give you guys a glimpse into the future of this fic (yeah I can do that I'm a time lord get over it) just to say thank you. In the actual chapter when this happens it might be a little different but it shouldn't be to bad of a change. Without further adieu here you go!


I giggled at his antics walking out the door he held open for me. This boy would surely be the death of me. Outside it was a cool night in Austin Texas.. A soft breeze had begun since when we walked into the restaurant.

"I have to say Trevor, you sure know how to treat a girl to a good time," I told him once he had rejoined me.

"Well I try my best," he smiled right back. He pulled his phone out of his suit pocket. "Well its only 8 o'clock, what else would you like to do on this fine night?"

I debated for a moment, it really was a nice night. "I kind of want to walk around if that's alright with you?" I asked looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Sounds good to me! And look we're in luck, the park is right over there," he pointed down the road a ways.

"That's great! I loved it there the other day," I told him.

Trevor grinned at me before doing something I didn't expect. He reached down and grabbed my hand pulling me down the road with him. I was sure that my face had morphed into a tomato, and thanked the stars that it was dark and he couldn't see my expression. The feeling of his hand in mine, it felt really nice. It was weird how such a small act could make me feel so wanted. If I could describe it, it felt... safe. As cheesy as it sounds being like this with Trevor was just, right. I finally feel like I belong.

I couldn't keep the smile from my face. And from the looks of it, neither could Trevor. Glancing up at him, careful as to not alert him, I could see the wide grin spread across his face.

I was also glad I had decided to wear my flats instead of Meg's heels that she attempted to get me to wear. My feet would have hated me, walking would have been the pits.

Luckily for us the park wasn't too terribly far from the restaurant. The only bad part was we had to run through traffic. Literally run through. I mentally thanked Thame for not being as large as Austin, I surely wouldn't have survived by now.

Due to the fact that it was 8 o'clock, the park wasn't busy at all. Sure there was still a few cars in the lot, but it definitely wasn't as bad as the other day. Throughout our walk there, Trevor had not released my hand. I was definitely not complaining. But boy was Lisa going to get a call in the morning.

Entering the park we slowed our pace. Now that we were at our destination there was no need to rush. I think the both of us want this night to last. Hand and hand, we walked and talked.

"I am so glad that I took Gavin up on his offer to come here," I told Trevor honestly after a moment of silence.

"I am as well," he responded, sounding extremely genuine.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Because otherwise I wouldn't have gotten to meet you silly," he told me.

"Oh," I said, my face flushing. "I-I don't know about that Trevor," I told him. "I'm just a nobody, you probably would have been fine not getting to meet me." Damn you low self esteem. Why do you have to show up at the worst times? I scolded myself staring at my shoes.

"Hey," Trevor said.

I didn't look up, nervous of what he was going to say. He sighed. Suddenly I saw a pair of hands in my vision. One of them tilted my head up to face their owner's. The other resided on my right cheek, partially cupping my face. Once I was staring into Trevor's determined brown eyes, barley inches away from my own, the other hand moved to my left cheek, so that now he was fully holding my face.

"Pamela Ann Free, you are the most beautiful, funny girl I have ever met. If I could go back, I would not change a second of our time we've spent together, these past days that we've spent together have been some of the best of my life," he told me holding my gaze.

That left me speechless. No one had ever said anything like that to me. Not even my ex. All I could do was stare in awe up at Trevor. He was still staring back at me, his expression screamed honesty, that every word he just said was nothing but the truth. We stayed like that for a couple of moments just stating deeply into each others eyes. The passers-by would have guessed that we are a couple by the way that Trevor was looking at me, holding me.

Trevor was the one to break the intense eye contact. I felt a pang of sadness that the moment had to end, until I saw where this eyes had gone. His eyes flickered down to my lips before looking into my eyes once more. He did this a second time a moment later. What was he thinking? I questioned myself. Was he going to....?

I found out another moment later once he began to close the distance between us, slowly leaning in. He was carefully watching my expression, making sure that he wasn't going to make a mistake.

It seemed as if time stopped before he was able to fully close the distance.


( A / N )

And it did bc the author is a real prick like that.


You'll see this play out sometime within 10 chapters....... Update: This is a lie you'll have to wait a while.

Yeah yeah I'm a terrible person


Jk not done yet

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