Chapter 2: So America?

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"PAAAAAM!" I sighed dramatically and put my pencil down. I can't even get rid of the bloke at the park. All I wanted to do was to draw in peace. I consider myself a fairly good artist. I was currently working on sketching the park landscape. But now Gavin is interrupting me by running across the park at me like he had hell in his tail. I noticed some of the surrounding people staring at Gavin like he was mad.

"Gavin shut the hell up people are staring," I scolded him as he plopped down next to me. Seeing as though nothing was the matter, the onlookers returned their attention to what they were doing beforehand. I turned back to Gavin and asked, "What the bloody hell is so important that you had to scream across the park at me?"

"I just had the best idea!" I rolled my eyes. This can't be good. He even started doing a little happy dance. "You should come back to Austin with me! Well not to live, I know you're too stubborn for that. Just a vacation!"

I blinked. I heard him wrong right? He really just said world domination...... Right? Please tell me I heard him wrong. "Uhhhh?"

"Think of it! You'll get to meet the guys! And Meg! You always said you wanted to meet her. Plus I asked Lisa and she told me you don't get out of the house nearly as much as you used to," he said looking hopeful. Lisa! What a traitor! She is my best friend who also happens to live right next door to my flat. Of course she would know when I leave. Unfortunately being my only friend means she's concerned with me. And of course she had to blurt about it to him. Still, when did he see her? "Just imagine it Pam, we'll have such a fun time! My job consists of playing games. You'll fit right in with everyone."

I do like to play video games. But not around other people. I sigh and place my sketch book down next to me. Looks like I won't be finishing that any time soon. "I don't know Gavin. You know how I get around people. Well, new things in general. Plus I sure as hell don't have the money to book a ticket. As fun as that would be I just don't think that would work out."

"Gah don't worry about the ticket! I can probably get you one right now! Let's see," he opened up his mobile and started tapping. I groaned and slumped further down into my seat. "You're in luck! There's still one open seat! Come on Pam! It'll be so much fun!"

I sighed again. Obviously he wasn't getting it. Quick Pam! Think of another excuse! "Uhh I don't know Gav more time with you? Don't you think I had enough when we were younger? Besides my boss would probably never let me off." I do have a job to uphold. How else would I survive life? I work at a pretty high class restaurant called Bello Italiano. As a chef. In other words my cooking skills are lit. Literally.

"Oh that's a load of gaf and you know it! You told me yourself your boss loves you! Just take a week off and see what he says. And if he goes all Gordon Ramsay on you and fires you I'll talk to Geoff and tell him that he needs to get his brother together." That whole sentence didn't even make sense. Geoff isn't even related to that guy! What a moron. I opened my mouth to reply but he quickly cut me off. "At least call him Pam. Please?" he pouted.

"UGH FINE. Whiny prick. You better watch it Gavy or you lip is going to go straight up your hooter." I grabbed my phone from my pocket and walked away phoned my boss, leaving behind a very offended Gavin who was holding his nose in mock hurt.


Five minutes later I have two weeks holiday. He told me I deserved some time off because of 'all the work and dedication I've put into the business.' He also said that David would be taking over my chef's position for the time I will be gone. David is the worst. If Gavin causes me to loose my job to that moron I will literally drown him in a lake. Both of them actually.

My boss also said something about getting a boyfriend or partner so that I wouldn't be so lonely all the time. It really is sad when the whole town knows your story. Maybe Gavin is right, I do need a vacation. Of course when I tell Gav this he just about busts a vein in his forehead and immediately gets on his mobile, I'm assuming buying me that last ticket.

Gamer Boy (Trevor Collins)Where stories live. Discover now