Chapter 10: Memories

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( A / N )

Can we all just look at the sheer look of sadness Trevor had when he realized there was no chips on AHWU this week?

After getting home and saying hello to Meg, who had also just returned home, we all piled into Gavin's car again and headed out to go sight seeing.

Austin was a great city and I enjoyed the change of scenery. Thame was equally as great but it was nice to see something different that wasn't on a screen. We spent the whole rest of the day and night out on the town. We ate dinner pretty early for Gavin and Meg's liking but I was getting tired again and wanting to go back home. Meg understood but Gavin was still hesitant on letting me go home. He really wants me to get past this jet lag. It was very annoying.


The next day went by in a similar manner, except this time I helped the guy's with a let's play. It was a lot of fun just bantering back and forth with them on camera. And yes, they did get burned quite a lot. What can I say, it's one of my specialties.

After they recorded a little more, Gavin and I took off for lunch. We didn't eat any weird foods this time so that was a plus. I believe the name was In and Out Burger. And I do have to admit they make a mean burger. We returned to the office where Gavin proceeded to ditch me for another let's watch.

I finished out the day hanging out with Trevor again because I did not want to impose on any more of the guys videos. Although they insisted that they would love for me to join them.

Trevor was as pleasant as always, we chatted for most of the time much to my dismay. I don't want to get him in trouble, as much as I enjoyed talking to him. He was still at work and I was distracting him from his job. When I voiced my concerned he waved it off and made a sarcastic comment like 'Burnie wouldn't dare fire me, they screw around ten times more than me.' I made me feel a bit better but still I tried to insist he go back to work. Teasingly of course. He just kept rolling his eyes.

In the end we talked about a wide range of topics, from weather, (not the awkward starter conversation, I had actually wanted to be a metrologyist) to video games and everything inbetween.

By the time Gavin came to collect me to head back home I found myself even sadder to leave than yesterday. That boy has really grown on me, and I couldn't tell of that was a good thing or a bad one. I got up from Trevor's cozy chair, which he made me sit in again. After dragging my feet and complaining a lot, I reluctantly got out of the chair. I said a quick goodbye and thank you to Trevor for letting me bug him for another day, which he reciprocated.

Now Gavin and I were walking out to the car in comfortable silence. The only different thing was that Gavin seemed generally excited to leave work. He definitely wasn't like this yesterday.

"What's got you grinning like a maniac?" I asked him.

"Meg and I have a date tonight," he practically squealed. And I'm the girl in the family.

"Oh that's cool! I'm happy for you guys! Where you taking her?"

"There's an Italian restaurant that is a favorite stop of mine, very classy." he told me smugly. He turned on the car and we drove away from the office back to the flat.

"So let me guess, you are going to kick me out to do the fondu?" I asked him suggestively. He just laughed.

"That might be an option. I'll get you a motel," he paused to think for a moment. "Or maybe you can just spend the night with Trevor," he smirked at me while wiggling his eyebrows. Touché Gavin, Touché.

"You be quiet."

He just laughed at me. We pulled up to the house a couple of minutes later. I didn't see Meg's car here yet so they probably have plans to leave later tonight. And then I can have a me night! I ran upstairs and picked out a couple of CD'S to blast while they weren't home. And then I just decided to waste my time on the Internet looking at band memes. I would normally go talk to Lisa when I get bored but something tells me that it would be bad news for my flat if I interrupted her sleep. The only reason she had a key to my flat was incase I decided to lock myself out again. Yeah it happened. I'm extremely forgetful.

About an hour or two later there was a knock at my door. I turned and saw it was Meg standing in the doorway.

"Hija buddy!" I called to her as I gestured for her to come in. She was wearing her hair down and curled. She was also wearing a light blue evening dress with a pair of heels to match. It complemented her figure. Man I wish I could look that good in a dress. Lucky lady.

"Hey lil sis!" she told me but stopped realizing what she just said. A look of shock passed over her face. "Oh shit sorry P-pam that just slipped out because I already consider you like a sister to me because we are a lot alike and-" she rambled until I cut her off.

"Meg! Calm down you pleb! I consider you like a sister as well!" I admitted to her. "I never had a sister, it was always just me and mum while the boys rampaged around. And I think you would the perfect- ah how do the Americans say it, sister from another sir? Something like that?" I thought hard. I had seen someone on a show say something like that but couldn't think of it currently. I knew I was on the right track though when Meg started laughing and came over to hug me.

"I think you mean sister from another mister, but I got the gist. Love you girl," she told me giving me a bear hug.

"Exactly, now stop it you you're going to make me cry. Well I guess it won't matter because you're the one going out on the date. Speaking of which I'm guessing you came in here to tell me bye? You look beautiful by the way," I said, I releasing her.

"Aww thank you so much! Walk me out? Gavin is outside already," she asked me hopefully.

"Sure thing, let's go!" I grabbed her arm and marched her out.

"Now there's money on the table if you want to order a pizza or something. Or there's leftovers from last night. I have extra fries in my box that you can have." Meg told me as we walked over to Gavins car. He was there leaning on the car waiting on Meg to come.

"Just don't take any of mine!" he yelled at me. Just for that I am. That looked like an amazing wrap that he ordered.

"Aww Gavy I would never!" I pouted with an evil glint in my eye. He glared at me.

"Do I have to go hide it?"

"Yes- No." I corrected myself. He eyed me warily.

"Ok loser let's go!" Meg called to Gavin. We gave each other a glare before he came over and ruffled my hair.

"Just don't bang Trevor in the living room ok?" I told me walking off. That wrap is mine.

Meg came over and gave me another hug. "Ah don't let him get to you Pam," now she had the evil glint in her eyes. "But I agree with him. Not in the living room. Byeee!"

"You can sod right off! Goodbye you two! I hope you have awful service and the food tastes like garbage!" I called out storming into the house.



I have been cured! So sorry for the wait guys, the good news is that I am not dying! Anyway. Hope you guys enjoyed. I know it was still pretty choppy but I wanted to try to hurry everything up and get to the good stuff.

There's more Trevor/Pam in the next one I promise. You guys have any ship names yet? I can't come up with them to save my life so that's all up to you guys. Anyways see you in the next one!

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