Chapter 38: The End

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Now Playing:
Nine in the Afternoon
Panic! At the Disco


"I still can't believe that you talked me into this," Lisa sighed from beside me. The day had come that we were headed to America. My brother was going to meet us at the airport in thirty minutes from now. It's amazing how time can fly when you're headed to America.

"You're the best," I told her unplugging my headphone from my ear and rolling them up. Whereas Lisa had been sleeping the whole flight, I had been watching movies and reading.

"Are you sure Gavin will be alright with my staying with you guys?" She asked nervously.

"Lisa we've been over this a hundred times, he's fine with it!" I laughed. She asked me this same question almost daily for the past week.

"Alright alright," she grumbled. "I'm just getting anxious alright?"

"Hey what time is it gonna be when we get there?" She asked.

"It's gonna be nine in the afternoon," I sang.

"Oh god not this," she groaned.

"And you're eyes are the size of the moon," I continued to sing.

"Please stop."

"You could 'cause you can so you do."

"I just wanted to know the time."

"We're feeling so good just the way that we do when it's nine in the afternoon," I finished.

"Oh thank god you're done. I was about to plug in headphones," Lisa teased.

"Hardy har," I giggled.


The plane finally touched down in Austin. It was almost nightfall when we got there, the sun was just about to set. I quickly gathered my things, excited to get the hell off this plane and see my friends.

"Pam! Stop pushing through people!" Lisa was cursing behind me as I drug her through the throngs of people surrounding us. "Pamela Ann Free! I swear to god. I feel like your mother sometimes."

"Hurry up! I want to find them," I exclaimed making my way through the crowd.

We finally found the crew. Yes I mean crew. It was Meg Gavin and, you guessed it, Trevor. He was holding a sign up that was specially for me.


"You two are disgustingly cute," Lisa scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Thank you," I giggled before running over to greet them.

As Trevor saw me coming he dropped the sign just before I jumped him with a hug.

"Aww you adore me," I giggled pulling back so that I could look into his eyes.

"Of course I do," he grinned. With that I closed the distance between us with a kiss.

"Where's my hug you twat!" I heard Gavin say from beside me. I reluctantly pulled away from Trevor. With a huff. I gave my brother a quick hug before I pulled Meg into a big one.

"Thanks for waiting for me jerk," I heard Lisa huff.

"Guys, this is my best friend Lisa," I said introducing her to Meg and Trevor.

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