Chapter 31: Oh, What A Life

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Glad You Came - The Wanted
Time is slipping away, away from us so stay, stay with me I can make, make you glad you came


I giggled at Trevor's antics walking out the door he held open for me. The meal was fantastic and the company even better. Trevor was currently pretending to be a snobby business man as we quickly fled the restaurant. This boy would surely be the death of me. Outside it was a cool night in Austin Texas. A soft breeze had begun since when we had walked into the restaurant.

"I have to say Trevor, you sure know how to treat a girl to a good time," I told him once he had rejoined me.

"Well, I try my best," he smiled right back. He pulled his phone out of his suit pocket. "It's only 8 o'clock, what else would you like to do on this fine night?"

I debated for a moment, it really was a nice night. "I kind of want to walk around if that's alright with you?" I asked staring up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Sounds good to me! And look we're in luck, the park is right over there," he pointed down the road.

"That's great! I loved it there the other day," I told him.

Trevor grinned at me before doing something I didn't expect. He reached down and grabbed my hand pulling me down the road with him. I was sure that my face had morphed into a tomato as I allowed myself to be led toward the park. I thanked the stars that it was dark and he couldn't see my expression.

We were quiet for a moment and I decided to let my mind wander.  The feeling of his hand in mine, it felt really nice. It was weird how such a small act could make me feel so wanted. If I could describe it, it felt... safe. As cheesy as it sounds being like this with Trevor was just, right. I finally feel like I belong. It was never like this with Tom. I loved this new feeling.

I couldn't keep the smile from my face as I looked down at our hands. And from the looks of it, neither could Trevor. Glancing up at him, careful as to not alert him, I could see the wide grin spread across his face.

I was glad I had decided to wear my flats instead of Meg's heels that she attempted to get me to wear. My feet would have hated me, walking would have been the pits.

Luckily for us, the park wasn't too terribly far from the restaurant (A/N: it's probably super far away but let's just pretend). The only bad part was we had to run through traffic. Literally run through. It was nerve wracking but I was glad that Trevor was there to keep me from getting hit by a car. I mentally thanked Thame for not being as large as Austin, I surely wouldn't have survived by now.

After a few moments of walking we finally entered the park. Due to the fact that it was 8 o'clock, it wasn't busy at all. Sure there was still a few cars in the lot, but it definitely wasn't as bad as the other day. Throughout our walk there, Trevor had not released my hand. I was definitely not complaining. But boy was Lisa going to get a call in the morning. (A / N: I realise now that parks at night in bug cities are probably sketchy. Oh well. Poof. Everyone is on vacation).

Now that we were in the park we slowed our pace. Now, there was no need to rush. I think the both of us want this night to last. Hand and hand, we walked and talked.

"I am so glad that I took Gavin up on his offer to come here," I told Trevor honestly after a moment of silence.

"I am as well," he responded, sounding genuine.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Because otherwise I wouldn't have gotten to meet you silly," he told me.

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