Chapter 7: Get Your Head In The Game

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I woke up with a start. I was still extraordinarily tired but unfortunately when I wake up, I wake up. I open my eyes and look around. I was in the spare room that Gain and Meg offered me. I yawned and tried to go back to sleep just for the heck of it. I know I sure as hell did not get enough sleep. I curled up further under the blankets. Two more hours of sleep would be great.

Suddenly my eyes snapped open.

Wait a minute.

I didn't fall asleep here. I didn't even remember getting home last night. The last thing I remembered was Trevor's car.

I bolted out if bed and ran downstairs hoping that someone was awake. I didn't even check the time. Luckily there was light shining through the windows so I knew that it was at least 6:00. The first thing I saw when I walked down the stairs was Gavin sleeping on the couch with one arm hanging over the side, snoring loudly. The other thing I noticed was that it smelled like eggs and bacon. I walked over to the kitchen to see Meg standing over the stove. She turned around when she heard me enter.

"Morning sleepyhead!" she said cheerfully, pushing the eggs around the pan. Mmm scrambled. Just the way I like them. But back to the more important question.

"Uhhh odd question but do you know what happened last night?" I asked her groggily. Mornings are not my thing.

She laughed and said, "Yeah you sure had a wild night. Trevor brought you home but you fell asleep in his car so he carried you up to your room." I gave her an astonished look. He actually carried me? As if reading my thoughts she continued, "You can imagine how surprised I was, that kid doesn't even look like he could lift a sack of flour! Not trying to be insulting. But he carried you like you were weightless. And the way the he tucked you in," she smiled and made the swoon motion as she looked up from the eggs. I felt my cheeks redden. He tucked me in too? Oh goodness why is Meg doing that. Why am I blushing. He was just being a good friend. Lisa would have done the same thing. Nope. She probably would have thrown me on the floor in the living room and stacked a blanket and pillow on my face. That's what best friends do, right?

"And uh, Gavin?" I asked warily. Hoping he didn't pass out somewhere and Geoff or someone have to call Meg. He was being an arse last night but that doesn't mean I hate the bloke.

Her expression changed, "Yeah he's definitely in the dog house. After Trevor told me what happened I immediately drove down there to go get him. I basically dragged him out by his ear. The guys were all laughing at him so I'm sure he will never hear the end of it. He slept on the couch last night. Sorry he did that to you," she told me sincerely clearly irritated at her boyfriend. "I'm debating going in there and stuffing a sock in his cake hole. Or maybe smothering him with a pillow. What do you think?"

I just shook my head as I laughed. I looked from Meg, who had continued on with cooking, over at the table. There was a note on it. She glanced back and noticed me staring over at it.

"Oh yeah, that's for you. Trevor wrote you that last night before he left. He said he wanted you to text him when you woke up," she winked at me. She then returned to her work and turned off the stove. I blushed at her words and went over to read it.

Hey sorry my story bored you to sleep ;D Hope you got a good rest. Here's my number: ***-****

I smiled to myself as I read it over and over again. What a pleb.

"You know that boy really likes you," Meg said from right behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin, spinning around wildly. She giggled and pushed some of her hair back. "Sorry for sneaking up on ya. But it's true. You should have seen him last night," she smiles widely.

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