Chapter 28: Date Prep

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( A / N )

Kinda not edited. Sorry.


"What was that all about?" Gavin asked as I climbed into the back seat. I was still in shock about what had just occurred to answer. I just got asked out on a date. Trevor just asked me out. As in Trevor Collins. As in the boywhoimayormaynothaveahugecrushonjkyouheardnothing.

"OH MY GOD" Meg shrieked from the passenger side. "Did it happen?!"

"Ouch Meg my ears!" Gavin exclaimed as we pulled out of the parking lot.

I glanced up at the woman who I would probably be calling my sister in law for the future. She was staring st me with an expectant look on her face. "Maybe," I replied with a shrug and smile.

The car was then filled with ear splitting shrieks. "Oh my god I can't wait to do your hair and your makeup and help you plan your wedding and help take care of your kids when you guys want to go out.  Oh! Can I be the godmother? I always wanted kids and-"

"MEG!" Gavin and I screamed over her rant.

"Jesus christ, what?" She huffed clearly miffed by our interruption.

"It's just a date ok? Quit blowing it out of proportion," I grumbled.

"Either way I called it!" She exclaimed. "Oh I have to call Lindsay!"

"No, not yet," I said. We should at least get home first. She squealed and opened her phone anyway. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the car door watching the passing scenery.

"You have to help me get ready," I said to her. The truth is I was very nervous, and when I get nervous I get shaky. Imagine me trying to put on mascara with shaky hands.

"Why do you think I'm calling Lindsay? When is he coming to pick you up anyway?" She asked.

"Seven," I said. She turned around in her seat with her eyes wide.

"He's only giving you an hour and a half to get ready?" She exclaimed turning to her boyfriend. "Gavin drive! We need to get her home and into a shower, STAT."

"Meg the speed limit is only 45 and I'm already doing 50!" Gavin complained.

"Well do 60! We gotta go baby!" She exclaimed raising her phone to her ear.

"Please guys, an hour and a half is plenty of time. And I already took a shower last night-"

"Quiet you!" She shouted. "Lindsay! Hey it finally happened! Yeah exactly! You gotta come over and help were almost home," she paused to listen and I heard another frantic voice on the other line. "Twenty? Ok we will see you then. Oh! And bring your powerful blow drier. Yeah she has long hair. Ok love you too. Bye."

I smiled to myself from in the back as I listened to Meg's side of the conversation. I guess I'm in for a wild night.

"You're so screwed Pam," Gavin joked. Meg punched him in the arm as I laughed. I was so glad to have made these friends. Lord knows where I would be if it was just Lisa taking care of me. I love her to death but I would probably end up looking like a walking rainbow.


"So for her hair should we do an updo or have it down?" Lindsay hollered over the blow drier that she was currently using to dry my hair with.

"Definitely an updo," she hollared back digging through one of her drawers. We were currently in Meg and Gavin's room where Lindsay and Meg were beginning my makeover. I was situated in front of her dresser which had a large mirror affixed to it. It gave me relief that I was going to be watching what they were doing to my hair instead of being surprised.

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