Chapter 4: Achievement Hunter

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When we finally arrive at Gavin's place it was a nice two story house with a lovely garden.

"Gavin do you actually do you actually work in the garden?" I ask him astonished. He never was one for doing actual work.

"No we hire someone," Meg said unbuckling her seat belt. "The one time I tried to get Gavin to do anything he about had a temper tantrum!"

"That sounds like the bloke I know," I told her as we walked up to the front door. Gavin had already unlocked the door for us so it would be easier to cart our luggage inside. Meg helped me with my duffle bag as I carted my suitcase in. The inside was just as nice as the outside. Meg handed me my duffle as she headed where I assumed to be the back yard claming she was going to go check on their pets.

"Welcome to our humble abode sis," Gavin said closing the door. He pointed up the stairs as he grabbed my suitcase. "If you'll follow me I'll show you to your room." And with that he trudged up the stairs.

"Oh goodie stairs," I'm an extremely lazy person. And stairs are my worst enemy. That why I got a flat on the first floor.


By the time Gavin finished giving me the tour and helping me get settled it was already 1:30 or 5:30 PM here. Time is so strange here. I am very tired even though I slept most the way here. I stay up this late on occasion but not too terribly often. Mostly when Lisa and I stay up and drink soda.

Gavin had noticed this and explains to me that I'm suffering from jet lag. He also said I would get used to it in a couple of days. Until then. I want to sleep now. I walked into the kitchen where I found the happy couple sitting at the table talking.

"Gav I'm really knackered and want to get some sleep, can I just stay here?" I pouted.

"Pam if you go to sleep now you'll never get used to it here. And it'll be a miserable two weeks. Just come with me to the barbecue, you'll be fine. And I promise I'll bring you home within two hours," he reassured me when he saw my skeptical look.

"Fine but just two hours!" I grumbled. Being social + lack of sleep = extremely awkward Pam. She's not very fun.

I was about to walk away when I noticed something odd sitting on the counter. It was a huge bag of smarties.

"Uh Gav, Meg?" they both looked up at me curiously. I pointed over at the bag. "Something you want to tell me about? You guys aren't here late at night smoking smarties are you? I thought we got through that phase back in secondary school Gav."

He laughed at me and Meg just rolled her eyes and took a long drink from her mug.

"Those are for my friend Trevor, he played a prank on me and now I'm getting him back!" he said giggling maniacally.

I gave him a look and said, "Alrighty then."


Twenty minutes later Gavin and I are at the Achievement Hunter building. Meg had decided not to go and binge watch Sherlock instead. Gavin drove us faster then my liking so now I get to be awkwardly standing around waiting for everyone to be done. I'll probably find a corner to pass out in.

"Aaaaaand we're here!" he said with an all too enthusiastic voice. Just remember Pam these are his friends. He hasn't seen them in a while. Like what's gonna happen with Lisa and I. OH DAMN LISA!

"Give me a moment Gav I have to ring Lisa. I completely forgot!" I told him as I dialed her number.

"Paaaaam I want to g-"

"SHHHHUT" I yelled at him as Lisa answered.

"Well it looks like you're already having a gay old time there!" Lisa commented sarcastically, but very sleepily. Oh yeah it was very early over there. Oops.

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