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The baby started crying at 4:48 AM. Such a terrible time for such a sweet little thing.

"Tylerrr." Josh groaned. "Do someth-" He cut himself off with a loud sneeze that caused the baby to giggle. Stupid cold, he thought.

"Okay." Tyler sighed.

He got up from his spot on the floor and picked the wailing little creature up and rocked it. "Shhh." He cooed. His hand taped the poor thing's back soothingly.

It was so weird to both of the boys how something so small could be containing all of these emotions. It was so weird that it was how the both of them started out as. So tiny and helpless. So innocent and young. So weird.

The baby stopped crying and Tyler put it back down on the bed next to Josh.

"Are you sure you're alright with sleeping on the floor?" Josh asked, for some reason his voice was littered with concern.

"Yea it's cool." Tyler answered.

Besides always being on the go, Tyler was always putting others first.

"I suppose." Tyler answered, throwing his keys at Josh. The boy caught them while barley looking. His high school years of baseball paid off after all.

"Than lets go." Josh answered casually.

The baby was indeed a girl. The couple hadn't decided on a name yet, but they wanted it to be perfect. Not something like Robert or William. Well of course not Robert or William, she's not a boy. But not something ordinary. Boring. Stupid. Not something to make her get made fun of for.

Both the kids hated their middle names with a passion. Hated.

Tyler picked up the smiling thing and held her gently on his chest. "Hi." He said. A huge smile slowly crept onto his face.

Josh turned his head and peeked at Tyler. The smiling, unaware boy made Josh's insides feel warm and fuzzy. Sure they were dating, but Tyler still made him feel like a little boy with a crush.

"Ba ba ba ba." They girl sang while opening and closing her hand rapidly.

All three of them laughed.

Because of the fact that neither one of the teens excepted to be having a child any time soon, they were completely unprepared.

They didn't have a car seat, so Josh drove down to the police station with Tyler relaxed in the backseat while holding the baby girl in his arms protectively.

I wonder if she likes the car... Tyler thought.

"Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky." Tyler sang gently.

Josh smiled to himself while the other sang. It made him feel like the metaphorical puzzle was finally put together. Made him feel like he found the missing piece. It was weird. Just like this whole entire past day. Weird. Pretty odd, if you will.

But it was starting to seem as though as everything was weird.

"Wait. What comes next?" Tyler questioned seriously. He looked up and put on a confused face.

Josh started laughing hysterically.
His boyfriend sat fake mad in the backseat with their child in his arms.

Once Josh calmed down and decided to contain his laughter, he turned around.

"We're here. Now what?" Josh quizzed Ty.

"Well, I'll go in, cuz I know that'd just make you uncomfortable, and you stay here with... baby?"

Josh nodded. Ty smiled and traded the baby for his keys.

Tyler made his way to the door while subconsciously tugging on the tail end of his shirt. He pushed open  the door and stepped inside. He felt the warm air rush towards him. He smiled. His face felt as though an outer layer was being melted off and the one underneath was poking through. Hard to explain. He was just warming up.

"Hello. How may I help you?" A blonde girl sitting at the receptionists' desk asked.

"Um I need to report something. H-however... I'm not sure what to call this." He shrugged.

"Oh. Ok." She frowned, but it than turned into a thoughtful smile. "I love a good case."

"K-k?" Tyler laughed to himself once he realized that Josh would have probably reacted the same way.

"So. Start spilling the beans."  She demanded it like Tyler should've started doing this already.

"Uh. I got home last night and there was a baby at the front door?" He scrunched up his face. Was that a good way to explain it?

"oh." She squeaked. "One sec Mr...?" She waited for him to give his name.

"Oh Joseph. Tyler. I'm Tyler Joseph."

"Ok Mr. Joseph. Just have a seat. This will only take a minute."

Tyler sat in a very uncomfortable chair while the girl headed through a big brown door.

The smell of coffee and hand sanitizer kept hitting Tyler in the face, for some reason reminding him of his sixth day of high school, which was just an ordinary day. He flunked a math test, went to gym and beat all the kids in shooting free throws, sat with his buddies in lunch, almost died of boredom in social studies, enjoyed himself in music class, made fun of Josh (but that's a story for a another time), and got yelled at by Mr. idiot science teacher. Ordinary.

"Mr. J?" The girl asked."

Ew, I'm not the joker. Tyler thought with a frown.

"Yes?" Tyler responded, pushing his stupid jokes aside.

"My boss says that you can keep the baby." The girl shrugged, clearly confused by this method. "You just have to fill out some paperwork and all this other shit." She slapped a foot of papers onto her desk for Tyler to do.

"Oh wow that's a lot." Tyler thought out loud while he stood up from his chair and scratched the back of his neck.

The girl nodded and left the room.

Tyler quickly shot Josh a text saying that he and the baby should come inside because of how long he knew this would take.

ew much? It'll get better I promise

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