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So let's take a step back and take a good hard look at this mess that Faith caused.



The bully.

I wasn't too sure about calling her that before, but I'm pretty sure we can all agree that it's okay now.

But let's whip back to the party with the tipsy teenagers crowed into the small house on 137 Dartmouth Drive.

"Well ,she's not bleeding on your living room floor just for the attention!" Brendon snapped. The music was completely off now and everyone was rushing around him.

He was on his knees; his hands wrapped around Bella's abdomen and the back of her neck. Dumbass Faith got into Bella's face. Being extremely intoxicated and high off of adrenaline, she cracked her knuckles and punched Bella as hard as she could.

And Brendon being the little hot shot he was, punched her back, and thus causing her to fall backward and nearly push a 5'6 boy out the window by falling onto him. Her drunk ass was so discombobulated by this point, there was no point in her even trying to turn around.

"What are all you assholes staring at? Fucking do something?" Brendon yelled from the floor, growing hot with anger. His face was beet red and his thoughts were rushing all over as he was still unsure if the girl in his arms would make it through the night.

A small crowd of 50 something people started to circle around the two. One girl ran off the hurl, being triggered by the blood gushing from Bella's nose and so another ran off to comfort her. One boy got in Faith's face, while another teen screamed at that boy. A slightly older guy and someone who was presumably his girlfriend, were searching for ice and whatever else might help out Bella.

Brendon just sat there, not knowing what to do. His eyes darted around the room, screaming out for help. Why did everyone suddenly become a stranger to him? Why did none of this make any sense? What was happening to him? He started sweating. What on earth made him think this party would be fun?

Suddenly a boy from across the room's attention was caught by Brendon's worries eyes.

Ryan broke away from his frantic friends and knelt down next to Brendon. He look him in the eye and promised to help. Given the fact that it was still fairly quite, Ryan began to shout for someone to call for help.
But being the high schoolers they were (and because they had more alcohol than any other party in Ohio), they refused. Nobody even went near a phone.

"If we call, we'll be in so much shit!" One girl screamed, slurring her words, then giggled real loud.

"We can blame it all on Faith." Someone suggested. It wasn't intended, but the whole room heard.

"Yeah. Let's do it." Most agreed.

"I'll rip your teeth out if you do." She growled back. Her hate towards Bella was so high that it was nearly impossible. That dumb bitch was still the life of the party and was more dead than Faith's old cat Mr. Wiggle. (She was like 3 when she named it, ok?)

"Okay, you know what? Everyone shut up. We're going to figure this shit out." Someone yelled.

"This is so stupid. Why doesn't everyone just leave? Yeah. Let's just leave. There's no point in staying here." One of the kids who just downed a bottle and a half of beer starting to ask. All of the other partygoers started chiming in.

"Well how does one leave a dead girl-"


"Okay well a girl who can potentially die whenever..."

"I for one won't stand for this. Brendon, let's go." Ryan pulled Brendon up by his elbow and then, as careful as he possibly could. Grabbed the girl with the blood stained clothes and hair off the floor. Her jeans rather dirtier than he remembered. Her now ruined save rock and roll tee-shirt that he found adorable, was definitely not enough to cover her up in the chilly weather.

"Grab my keys." Ryan demanded. He bent over and let Brendon grab them out of his sweatshirt pocket. "Start it and turn the heat on."

Brendon gave Ryan the benefit of the doubt and did what he was told. If this ends badly, Bella won't even remember. He assured himself.

The whole way to Tyler and Josh's place was one huge blur. Him and Ryan ignored each other the whole time, only passing one or two words back and forth, but nothing worth mentioning.

Brendon sat anxious in the backseat beside Bella who was laying down across 2 seats. Every time they'd hit a bump or come to a red light, Brendon would check to make sure she was still okay.

"This it?" Ryan asked, surprising Brendon.

"Yea, thanks dude." Brendon got out of the car and ran to the door. He pounded on it so hard that he only had to wait 5 seconds before a sleepy Tyler came to the door.

"Mr. Joseph, your daughter is-" Tyler cut him off.

"Is she okay?" He asked, his eyes instantly darting to the car.

"I dunno we just-" he got cut off again.

"She's alive, right?"

"Mr. Joseph will you please just-" will nobody let him finish his goddamn sentences?

"I'm going to that car." He wasn't lying. He marched his way over to the car. He found the still open car door and his bloody pulp of a daughter lying there. He picked her up and ran to Josh, not even acknowledging the boy in the drivers seat.

As soon as he got the couch, he placed Bella down and ran through the house in effort to find Josh.

Brendon thanked Ryan for all the help and then ran back inside the Joseph's house. He was already in trouble for going to a party, so why not just stay the night at too?

After numerous calls with doctors, Tyler and Josh were finally satisfied in that Bella was okay. So they let Brendon sleep in the spare room upstairs since he insisted on staying, and both of her dads slept in the living room, too anxious to go into their own bedrooms.

Here you go. All fixed. Sorry about the horrible update last time.

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