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Bella. That was the name that they had given the strange baby that just showed up at the door a day ago. It was nearly impossible to come up with a name, but they did. After literally an hour and half of bothering that poor girl working as an unpaid intern down at the aforementioned police station.

Once they finally left, they went to Babies R Us to look for things for Bella. And just like Josh said, ladies and guys and even children made faces at the two as they shyly walked through the way too big store.

They got a crib, a car seat, a tiny bit of food, a bottle or two or three, a pacifier, and 4 or 5 outfits. Both boys felt extremely awkward the whole time.

Tyler vividly remembered the part when they first started to awkwardly look for clothes for the girl.

"Ty. What happens when she goes through uh puberty? And like. How do we deal with periods and brahs? I've never even," He paused and brought his voice down even more "I've never even kissed a girl."

But Josh remembered the part of their shopping experience when Tyler told him he, and I quote, felt wrong changing the girl. Josh simply told him not to because she was their kid now.

But truthfully they were both feeling the exact same way.

Josh threw the bags onto the couch and Tyler went into the bathroom, still carrying Bella.

"I'm giving her a bath." Tyler called.

"I'm going to have to make a few more trips. There's like six more bags plus the crib." Josh responded.

Tyler heard the door close.

"Hehe." Bella moved her hands around in a circler motion around her face.

Bella was sitting up on the counter next to sink. She leaned her head back up against the glass medicine cabinet ever so lightly.

She was small for her age. Josh had told Tyler he thought so last night.

"Belles." Tyler shook his head and turned on the tub, water splashed everywhere.

"HAHAH." The girl burst out laughing.

The boy clumsily put the stopper in so that the cold water wouldn't drain out. Then he brought himself to eye level with his baby girl.

"You think that's funny?" He laughed.

"Ba ba ba bab ab." The girl placed her hands on Tyler's cheeks and squeezed lightly.

"Awe." Tyler said in between his own laughs.

There was a knock on the bathroom door. Tyler opened it gladly, knowing for a fact that it was Josh.

"Hey Ty." Josh grabbed Tyler's hand and held it tightly as he looked at the small little girl wearing the same dirty clothes she was dropped off in.

"DA!" The baby slapped Josh on the chin, than laughed as though it was absolute most funniest thing ever.

"Hey." Josh tried to be serious. "That wasn't very nice."

"I don't know Josh." Tyler said while shaking his head. "Was pretty funny." He smiled.

Josh playfully punched him in the arm. "But in all seriousness it's getting late. We should give her that bath. Or you can and I'll build the crib." Josh suggested. Although, he was pretty worried because he was sure he wouldn't be able to figure out the directions, he was stupid enough to bring it up.

"Sounds good." Tyler let go of Josh's hand and knelt down to feel the water. (A/n: *war flashbacks*) "And about diner. Want me to actually make something or wanna just get take out?" He asked as he dried his hand on a towel.

"Either one." Josh slapped the wall and made his way into the living room as Tyler got the baby into the bath.

They were becoming a perfect little family.

we're already at a lot of reads guys omgggg

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