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                             Brendon's face scrunched up in confusion. What does he mean wrong with her? He thought. There's nothing wrong with my Bella. His heart-warming thoughts were only here to serve as a reminder that the worst was still yet to come. Even for baby Brendon, who's already been through a lot as it is.

Her anxiety? Oh no she knows about that. Wait. What the fuck?

"Mr. Joseph, what the hell?" He asked nervously, still not sure if he actually wanted the answer. For all he knew Bella was going to be thrown off the tour. He didn't even realize how polite he was being until later on that night.

"I-I shouldn't tell you this." Tyler's thoughts were crumbling now. It felt as though the walls were caving in on him. "I need to go apologize to Josh and Jenna... right now." He started to run away- to leave the bus- but Brendon grabbed the man's forearm which was sweaty from either his nerves or the previous 'band' practice.

"Dude, you can't just drop a bomb like that and then not explain to me what the actual fuck you're talking about." He shook his head and gave the older man a furiously dirty look. "And you need to take a shower." His digs at Tyler made Brendon feel so proud of himself and so happy for having the confidence to say such things for the sake of his girl- though he knew well she could stick up for herself.

"Brendon," Bella laughed, her eyes still soaked with sleep. She hadn't really been getting any lately because of the night sweats, but she felt safe around Brendon and somehow managed to sleep at least a little. "Don't bully my dad."

If she had heard more than "take a shower," she would've said way worse.

Her shadow crept closer just like Jenna's had before.

"Bella, apparently there's some-"

"No, Brendon. There's nothing wrong. I was just uh joking." Tyler could feel his face growing reader and the sweat was sprinting down his forehead.

"Dad, he didn't even say that there's something wrong. What's going on? Is everyone ok?" The girl asked as Brendon let go of Tyler's arm and brushed his hands on his shirt to get the sweat off. "And don't you dare lie to me."

"No. Honey, everyone's fine." Tyler lied anyway. The bastard had a knack for it. He felt so bad about it, he really did, but he has been keeping this lie up for a while now.

"Except you." Brendon mumbled, already making a mental note to tell Bella later on what Tyler was joking about.

"What?" She asked, genuinely not hearing what Brendon said. (I can assure that she seriously didn't, for if she had, her reaction would've been more than slightly different.)

"Except food. There's really nothing good around here anymore." Brendon knew for a fact that if he repeated the except you, Tyler would've killed him with his bare hands right then and there. "Ty, can we order a pizza?"

It pained Brendon to lie to the love of his life- yes that's what he thought of her- but he knew that he had to. After all, Tyler was the dad and parents usually know best. Who's Brendon to tell Bella otherwise? There's obviously a really good reason that he's keeping whatever this is a secret anyway, he figured with a sigh.

"Hm ditto." Bella chuckled. She decided to just brush all this off and just remember that both of the boys in the room loved her greatly and probably wouldn't lie to her. (Probably.) And any of it comes up again, she'll just become an interrogator about it.

"Yea sure." He mumbled. "Alrighty kiddos. I gotta run now though. I-I'll is back soon."

And with that he left his kids and ran back to Josh and Jenna to apologize for how he just blew up in their faces; all the while the boy and the girl sat on the floor talking about almost nothing while they waited for their pizza.

i hate the way
i wrote some of the
dialogue in this

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