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Bella's eyes fluttered open.

"What?" She said to herself as she sat up.

Why was her head hurting so much? Why was there an ice pack on her forehead? Why were her dads looking at her like that? Why was Brendon there? Why was she on her couch? Why was she wearing cloths that reeked of bad memories?


The party.

"Do you remember what happened?" Brendon asked as he sat next to Bella's feet that were now being pulled into her chest. He only received one or two dirty looks from Josh as he did so.

"I-I... No?" Bella was completely and utterly lost in a big heaping pile of confusion.

But that was a lie. She had remembered what went on last night, despite what she told everyone.

Don't hate on the girl for only wanting to discuss this with her friend later. Would you wanna talk about this with your dads?

Didn't think so.

"Baby." Tyler let go of Josh's hand that he'd been squeezing ever since Brendon rang the doorbell hours ago with a passed out little girl sitting in the passenger seat. None other than Ryan Ross himself helped get the girl into that seat.

That made Brendon so angry, but what he really only cared about then was getting Bella home safe and sound.

Anyway, back to now.

"Daddy." Bella cried. Tears started swelling up in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Brendon was trying way to hard to stop himself from laughing to death. That was until he saw those few tears roll down Bella's face and onto the light blue blanket wrapped around her legs.

"Hey don't cry." Tyler got onto the carpet and sat on his knees. "It's okay. You're safe here." He wrapped her into hug while she buried her face in his shoulder.

Both Brendon and Josh wanted to hug the girl them self. They both hated seeing her like that. Even though it pained Josh to watch Bella cry like that, Brendon knew that if he even had the slightest bit of a clue as to what really happened last night, he would've reacted a lot different and probably would have had an awfully long talk with the other girl's dad.

Tyler pulled away from Bella and made eye contact with her. He was going to ask what had happened.

Yes. Tyler and Josh knew absolutely nothing about what went on the night before. They knew their baby was going to a party and they figured what the heck? And just let her go, but when Brendon brought her home they didn't know why. The bruises and contusions only reminded Brendon of what Bella did when she was awake. Tyler and Josh didn't know what happened, but they weren't about to start bombarding the poor boy with questions. They were just happy she was okay.

"Baby, tell me wh-" Just than they heard the sound of Mark, Tyler's best friend screaming.

It was his ringtone for every single contact he had logged in his phone. Beautiful, huh?

"Ty-TYLER! Answer the phone already!" Josh yelled, only slightly pissed off by the inconvenient timing. I'm literally not even being sarcastic here. He wasn't truly upset. He was worried about what the phone call was going to be about. He was.

"Well I'm kinda busy at the moment." All three weary-eyed people heard Tyler say into the phone, his voice cracking a little towards the end.

"Okay, but like..." His voice trailed off leaving everyone around him wondering what was going to happen. "Ugh. Hang on."

Tyler pulled phone down from his ear and held his hand over the sound receiver, hopping that the man on the other end couldn't hear.

"He wants us at the studio." He was telling Josh but looking straight into his baby girl's eyes.

Brendon shuffled around a bit next to Bella's feet as he started to feel more and more uncomfortable with the situation.

"Tyler. No." Josh broke his words apart and emphasized them as much as he could. How were they supposed to just get up and leave their daughter hurt and alone?

"Dad, I'm fine really. Just go. Please? You're fans are going insane. Trust me, they need the music more than I need you to talk about some stupid party with me." She smiled a genuine smile that confused both of her parents. "Please?"

"Fine, but this talk is not over. I want you to be able to come to me, honey. I love you." Tyler leaned in and hugged her again as she dried her eyes on the backs of her sleeves.

Josh nodded, tapped his foot a little and said, "I love you more." He narrowed his eyes and tried oh so hard not to smile, but of corse it didn't work.

How's everyone's day so far?

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