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"Hi. What's your name?" A little boy asked Bella eagerly as he squirmed in his seat.

He was bigger than her. In fact, most of the kids here were bigger than her. She didn't even really notice though. None of them did.

"Um I'm Bella." She sat down at the desk next to the boy. Simply because her name was on said desk.

The classroom was like something else. Some foreign land that Bella stumbled upon by accident. There were toys and games everywhere and more kids than she could count. But she loved it so far.

"Cool. I'm Brendon Urie. I like trains." He smiled.

"Me too. Cool!" She laughed.

Bella began wondering why her dads were so up tight on the drive over that morning. School was fun so far.

Brendon was thinking about how pretty the teacher was.

"Hello everybody. I'm Mrs. Orzechowski, but you can just call me Mrs. O. It's easier." She smiled and started writing something that Bella couldn't read on the board.

Brendon poked Bella's arm. "She pretty." He whispered.

Bella nodded and pushed his finger off of her.

"Hey, hey, hey. Let's be best friends." He whispered again.

"Okay. I've never had a friend before." She looked at her feet.

"My daddy is my friend." He smiled. "And my mom."

"Oh. What's a Mom? I have two dads." She squished her face up in confusion.

"Oh. That's cool. I want two dads. Mom doesn't let me have ice cream after diner, dad does. Uh. I have 2 sisters. And 2 broders." He sat there for a minute. "Twoooo."

Bella slapped her forehead.

"Fathers!" Bella yelled after she stepped foot back in her house after a long day of second grade.

"Belles!" They both called back, completely unaware of the situation that was hurdling towards them at three thousand miles per hour.

"We're in the living room." Josh explained with a smile.

She ran up the stairs without even taking her shoes off. She always took her shoes off.

"Brendon told me what gay is. Are you guys gay?"

Ahh innocent little Bella. Yep. She thought her dads were just friends for a little while. I'm not even really sure what was going through her mind. My dads are just friends. They're not dads just dudes like giving me clothes and stuff. Yea. Guys can't have kids. They're's  no... uh. I don't know. Can they? Wait yeah they can. I'll ask Bren.

Josh and Tyler shared a look.

"Well. Yea." Josh said. He looked absolutely petrified.

"Oh. Ok." She smiled and ran off.

"Geez Tyler." Josh laughed.

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