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                  Brendon Urie sat in the back room of the tour bus he shared with his girlfriend and her    family playing L.A. Noire on the Xbox that didn't have a save progress button on it with said girl asleep and balanced on his shoulder. It was his 9th time starting the game over since he got there but he didn't mind.

It did keep him coming back for more, after all.

Tyler Joseph and Joshua Dun made their way out of the venue they were previously showing Brendon everything in. The fact that he was starting out as another act this late in the game, made all the difference in their off days. They could no longer hang out with their girl who had little time as it is.

Jenna Black- formally known to the general public as Jenna Joseph- flipped her blonde hair out of tear-stained eyes as she finished explaining why she left the bus in such a hurry.

Bella was fragile.
Jenna knew that very well.
(Even though Bella really didn't.)
But Jenna was just joking around.

"Yeah Tyler, she was spooked. Can we please tell her now?" Jenna begged. The best for the kid, she thought as Tyler's face started to grow red with anger. That's all I want.

"Tyl-" Josh began, placing a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder as he did so. However, he was cut off by Tyler's naiveness while his hand was swatted off the shoulder.

"Josh, deal with this." He demanded. "I'm goin' to the bus. Bye assholes."

Josh raised his eyebrows and Jenna just started crying harder.

Tyler didn't really like to curse. It was against his beliefs and he knew damn well that he could get his point across without cursing anyway. So it was shocking and upsetting that he felt the need to today.

Josh hugged Jenna as the door slammed shut and Tyler disappeared.

"It's just hard for him to deal with all this." Josh reassured Jenna. "He didn't mean it."

Josh felt like he did though.

I mean, of course Tyler loved the both of them with all his heart, but lately he has been giving Josh weird vibes. Obviously the situation is extremely stressful, but Josh was, in fact, dealing with it too.

Jenna nodded against Josh's chest.

"He loves us. And Bella. So much."

He told Josh that he loved him last night before they both fell asleep. But all Josh could think was I'm doing something wrong.


                       The door to the tour bus, which smelt of soda, popcorn and dirty feet, opened with a thud and Brendon paused his already muted game, being careful not to wake his girl up as he pushed himself up to see who was back; Josh, Tyler, or Jenna?

Brendon was the best friend Bella could've asked for. I mean who plays Xbox just on mute just to keep their girlfriend happy? Or let's his shoulder go numb to let her sleep peacefully? I think that's a quality friend right there.

But Brendon was a still a firm believer of the fact that Josh completely and utterly despised him- despite it not being a fact at all.

"Oh hey Ty." The boy relaxed, furthermore let out a laugh as he started to sit down on the sticky floor to his play his game again. He didn't wanna wake up sleeping beauty by placing himself right on top of her on that stupid little couch again.

"Brendon." Tyler said his name as though it was some sort of absolutely disgusting statement. The name rolled off his tongue grossly. He hated the way it felt. He wanted to go home. In that moment, Tyler Joseph wished this girl was never even placed on that stupid floor in front of that stupid apartment anyway. (Though he really does hate himself for it to this day.)

"Uh... Yea. I guess. Is everything ok?" He asked with wide eyes and red cheeks.

He figured that he didn't do good enough at practice today and was being kicked off the lineup. Brendon wanted this so bad. He needed his music.

"We need to talk. About Bella. There's something wrong with her." Tyler took a deep breath. "And she doesn't know."

i've been dropping hints
to this. can anyone guess
what's wrong with her?

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