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The venue had emptied out by now and Tyler and Josh were off somewhere making sure everything was packed away and perfect for whatever band had a show here next.

Bella and Brendon however, they weren't doing anything to help at all. To be honest, they couldn't care less about Ty and Josh at the moment. The two, finally reunited, were in Josh's dressing room on one of the two couches that were patiently pushed against the wall.

Bella thought she liked the venue when in reality it was just the principle of it. She got to see her boyfriend again, listen to him sing his own song, and even forget about the outside stress for now. She didn't really like the venue in itself. If she were alone, she'd be bored out of her mind and most likely close to going insane.

Brendon had his arm slung over Bella's shoulder and she was taking countless amounts of pictures of her previously greatly missed boyfriend. She kissed his cheek and snap a photo before giving it a cheesy caption and posting it. It instantly blew up with thousands of comments. She powered her phone all the way off and dug her face into his chest.

"You know, I never told you I loved you out loud." Brendon stated.

Bella looked up, shocked and confused by his random outburst.

"I love you.... First!" She laughed as Brendon became fake offended. His lips drew into a frown, slightly poking up on either end due to him being unable to stop himself; Bella was too adorable.

"It was my idea." He declared.

"Well I still said it first." She giggled as Brendon used his free arm to poke her side. "And I get extra points because you still didn't even say it back."

"Oh, well I'm not a liar." Brendon retorted. He pulled his arm back jokingly and crossed his arms.

"I'm deeply hurt and very offended." She crossed her arms as well after cracking her knuckles.

"Kids, are you decent?" A voice called from outside the door stopping the two from their heavily missed jokes.

They booth looked at each other, eyebrows raised and eyes wide. Their arms uncrossed and stomachs dropped all the way into their toes.

Then Bella realized who it was.

"Jenna, I hate you!" Bella rolled her eyes at the door that was now being opened by the blonde.

"I think you guys know what I'm about to say."

Brendon gave a look. His mind was racing at 100,000 thoughts a minute. What? What is she gonna say? I don't know what she's gonna say. What the fuck? Hehehe what the FUCK is up Kyle? BAHAHAH. Without realizing it, a stupid little smilie appeared on Brendon's face. His lips curled up and he started laughing obnoxiously loudly.

Jenna scrunched her face up in confusion. She gave him the what's so funny face that you usually get from teachers.

"What?" She asked.

"BAHAHAH. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP KYLE!" Brendon yelled possibly a little too loud. He double over laughing and slapped his knee. It wasn't even that funny.

"Okay he's an idiot." Bella said over the laughing. "Just- what were you going to say?"

"Oh..." Jenna now felt a little out of place, but she was practically family so she carried on. "Bella I saw your picture. You guys should tell your dads that you're a thing. They'll respect it, I can guarantee." She nodded. "And if you tell them you're dating, you'll only get more privacy from it." Jenna's eyes weren't wide. "N-not for sex though. I'm not supposed to encourage that. Uh, if you do have sex, Brendon you better use a condom or I swear to G-"

"I know. I love Bella." He smiled and pulled her up from the couch only to engulf her into another hug. "She's my girl." He ruffled her hair a little, making her groan.


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