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Bella wasn't sure what happened. She was sat in the street while the rain poured down on her, looking for her loose books and the cell phone that had fallen out of her pocket. She looked up for a second, than all she was Brendon. Great.

"What happened?" His voice was laced with that best-friend-concern that it was always filled to the brim with every time Bella even blinked wrong.

"Fell." She looked away. Just to spare herself the embarrassment of Brendon seeing through the lie.

But I guess that he couldn't see her tears because they blended in with the rain.

"Okay... Well, I should get you home." He bent down to Bella's level and looked into her sorry little eyes. That's when Brendon started wondering where all of Bella's sudden personality changes and mood dips were coming from.

"What about school?" Bella asked, knowing that her dads wouldn't be cool with it if she just straight up skipped. Yeah she wanted to stay home, but skip school? No way.

"It started 10 minuets ago?" It sounded like a question to both Brendon and Bella. "Get on." He turned around a little to help her get onto his back a bit easier.

"Wait my bag." Bella wrapped one arm around Bren's neck and opened and closed her other hand just like she used to when she was little.

"Ugh. No it just has a bunch of useless books." He pushed Bella up his back more before started the long walk past the four houses between their pervious spot and Bella's front door.

The rain showed no signs of stopping, it only picked up. As did the wind. The weather wasn't too typical for the beginning of September in Ohio, but really, when was it ever normal?

"Can I get down now?" Bella asked as they got closer and closer to her front door.

Brendon hadn't let her walk on her own feet in fear of there being something wrong with her from the "fall." He didn't want to be the one at fault if her body was messed up and he made it worse. But now she could go inside and lay down while Brendon tried to make a silent escape from the Joseph-Dun household and made his way to school before his parents realized he skipped. Maybe he could blame his tardiness on helping his best friend's ass, or maybe he could say he fell himself, he was full of mud now anyway...

"Bren?" Bella asked. She'd been patiently waiting to be set down from the boy's back while he daydreamed of never having to sit through another class again because of being killed by his parents for not showing up. Ironic, I know.

"What? Sorry, no." He answered her remaining question of getting down. He knocked on the door. The girl on his back pushed her face into his shirt and prayed that her dads wouldn't beat the living out of her for basically going against their words.

And of course, Brendan being the psychopath he is, instantly realized that the warzone that was Bella's head had began yet another war.

"It'll be okay." He whispered as the door opened slowly.

Tyler hesitantly looked between Bella and Brendon. After only thirty awkward seconds passing with nothing but a silence, Josh appeared behind Tyler, looking more confused than ever.

"Bella, we told you to go to school. And why are you covered in mud?" Tyler asked. The teens were still standing outside while Bella's dads were standing inside. "And why are you on his back?"

"She fell Mr. Joseph." Brendon tried to explain calmly, but honestly, honestly he was furious that Tyler had just said that. She fell for god's sake and he's worried why Bella's not sitting in a musty old classroom getting lectured on things that have no purpose in real life.

"Oh okay." He exhaled loudly. "Go upstairs Bella." He let the kids come inside, finally.

Brendon went to follow, but Josh pulled on his hood. "Come here." He smiled. Not a creepy smile, a nice one. The boy nodded and was lead to the couch by Josh.

"Brendon, we know you and Bella are friends and all, but is everything okay?" He looked at Tyler instead of Brendon while he talked. Brendon wanted to bolt, but he was glued to the couch and floor.

"E-Everything's fine." His voice cracked itself in the middle of 'fine' causing both Tyler and Josh to look up at him, but their heads darted away as they noticed their baby girl standing on the stairs in pajamas.

"Bella you have to go to school." Josh was trying to be nice, but all he wanted was Brendon to leave. He really wasn't ready to admit that his theory of Brendon being the one tormenting her was wrong.

"Please don't make me." The fourteen year old started to panic. "I don't feel good again and I'm already late, plus my lowest average right now is a 94. Please." Bella would have gotten down on her knees if it would've prevented her from going to go school that day.

But all it took were a few excuses and a pouty face.

And they let Brendon stay at the house with Bella.

Tyler felt as though Brendon could protect Bella, but Josh, Josh was worried by what the boy would try to do while the two kids were alone together.

But the answer to all of Josh's questions was nothing. Brendon was a good kid and everyone knew that except for Mr. Dun and Mr. Urie himself. No not Brendo's dad, Brendon. He himself thought he was a bad kid and that he didn't deserve half of the stuff he had. It was all too good for him in his eyes.

"Belle," Tyler bent down to Bella who was sitting on the couch, and kissed her forehead. "I love you. See you tonight."

Tyler walked out the door and Josh went over to Bella.

"Don't leave the house, okay. And it's really bad out so um... yea. Love you." He walked over to the door and squeezed the knob.

Bella sat there giggling. Brendon's arm was wrapped around her and he stayed silent while looking at her like she was a beautiful, brilliant, sunrise that was swirling with many shades of pinks and oranges.

Josh felt himself get mad at Brendon, but he knew Ty was waiting so without saying anything else, he left. He walked out. Down the stairs, over to the driveway and into the car. He drove away. Down the road. Around the block and over to the music studio; all why staying silent trying to cheer himself up  by listening to Tyler mumbling the lyrics to whatever was on the radio.

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