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A few weeks had gone by- 3, to be exact- and so had more then a couple of shows. The biggest break between shows so far had been a measly 4 days which were spent on a beach and in a retro diner. Ohio seemed less then significant to Bella at this point, but she missed her friends like crazy, especially Brendon.

Not a day went by where she wasn't thinking of him. She had come to terms with the fact that she was in fact in love with him.

It felt nice.

This new feeling of loving herself. She was in love with a boy who loved her back, she didn't absolutely hate everything about herself, her dads were treating her like a princess like when she was little, the bullies were out of sight, and she was genuinely happy. Jenna made her feel even better, giving her suggestions on getting rid of stupid acne and calming frizzy hair.

Everything was going great, and today. Today was going to be an amazing day; she just felt it in her bones.

"Sup kid?" Josh asked as Bella made her way out of her bunk and into the kitchen area.

"Not much. I think this bus is getting smaller." She answered sarcastically with a laugh.

"It's alright kid. We're staying in a hotel tonight." He watched as Bella continued padding into the kitchen with her sock-covered feet. She smiled as she felt her ponytail swishing back and forth behind her.

"Meet and greet?" She asked Tyler who was sitting at the table fiddling with his sweatshirt strings.

He nodded.

"Yep 20 minuets, you up for it?" He asked knowingly. Bella had been up last night FaceTiming Brendon who was hours behind them. Dealing with the time zones was the worst on the kids, for they could never text without being afraid of it being inconvenient for the other.

"Eh why not? Beats hanging here." She started to pour herself a bowl of cereal and sat down happily to eat it while watching YouTube from her phone.

The twenty minutes were agonizing for Bella who was eggar to meet new kids and teenagers who were helped by her dads. She loved the idea of superhero's for parents. It was honoring.

"Okay who's next?" The security guard called to man with 3 girls behind him.

"Angie, Evie, and Sam." He laughed and watched happily as the girls took pictures with their idols and their favorite celebrity child.

Once they ran off, a new girl approached, one who looked so shaken that Tyler instinctively gave her a hug and told her everything was fine while Bella watched in awe.

"You've made it this far." He soothed her. "You can make it through anything." He cheered her up so fast, it was unbelievable for Bella, and even Josh, who had done things similar before.

"I-I'm so grateful." She stuttered. "You got me through so much, with being adopted and all."

Bella stopped listening after the word adopted.

No, now she was thinking of something else; something she'd never thought about before, shockingly.

Who the hell were her birth parents?

sorry for the cliffhanger! one quick question, what's bren and bella's ship name? i'm not sure what to call it because the names are a bit obscure for this (ex: brella lmao).
anyway, have a nice day, babies!!

Home bound {adopted by twenty one pilots au} ✓Where stories live. Discover now