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Bella's feet slapped the ground to the beat of whatever song was blasting through her earbud. The right one, to be exact. The left one was broken, and better yet dangling from the right one, lightly knocking into her thigh with every step she took.

She was making her way out of the tour bus's bathroom with her dirty clothes in her tiny hands.

Her soaked hair bounced lightly on her shoulders as she checked the Apple Watch Josh bought her for Christmas to see how far she'd ran.

Bella had laced up her sketchers (remember that any runner knows that nikes weren't the choice), and went running before her shower.

She used to be the fastest one on the track team, but this year she didn't even bother to try out since she wouldn't be able to commit to it due to the tour.

She would've been alone if she hadn't gone running.

Brendon agreed to actually play music on tour- hence his absence- and was practicing alongside Tyler and Josh.

Furthermore, Bella had been waking up with fevers and night sweats for the past few weeks now and was thinking maybe it would help to get back into her running habits.

I mean, it's not like she was eating very healthily recently, and how bad could a little exercise hurt? 

And as the story goes, she ventured out into the early morning and actually managed to avoid being bombarded by any fans (there was only one sweet little boy who was with his dad, who, by the way, was so confused as to why his son knew this 15 year old jogger), before stumbling back into her tour bus extremely light headed and sore.

As soon as she stepped in, she knew something was feeling a bit off but downplayed, it simply blaming it on her anxiety.

She knew how much of a monster it could be.
Bella knew that whatever felt "off" was probably just nothing.

As she started at the ceiling of her bunk drowning her thoughts with music, running her hands through her conditioner riddled hair Brendon walked in the bus and his footsteps didn't sound too happy.

Bella sat up though right away and pulled back her bunk's curtain.

"Brendon!" She smiled. "How was it?" She asked. She genuinely loved the boy and wanted to make sure her dad's weren't acting like assholes on only his first day.

She wrapped her arms around his sweaty neck and he instantly squeezed her waist back, leaning into Bella's neck, just happy to have her at the moment.

"It was ok, you shouldn't worry about it."

He hated it.
Honestly, he expected to have to put in work, but not this much. Have you ever tried to jump and sing for 20 consecutive minutes? It's hard work.
Oh and he had to play his guitar until fingers started to bleed and eventually just went numb.

"No come on." They broke away from the embrace and Bella smiled. "I wanna hear everything, let me know, Brendo."

"It was draining." He shook his head and took off his snap back, playing it in Bella's head.

They both giggled as it fell in front of her eyes.

"I  love you." Brendon confessed for the millionth time that year.

"I know." Bella laughed, pushing the hat above her eyes with her fingers only for it to fall back down.

"Okay, bitch."

"Hey!" A voice called from way back on the bus.

Both kid's eyes instantly increased twenty times in size. Bella pulled the hat back so that it was sitting backwards over her hair now.

Brendon couldn't help but smile at his girl until he remembered what was happening.

"You shouldn't let tyler hear you talk that," the person said as their shadow crept closer.

Bella stepped closer to Brendon as they did so. She somehow couldn't recognize the voice. It was almost as though she couldn't remember who it belonged too, because she did at least hear it before. She knew that.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you guys. It's just me, Jenna?" The woman laughed as Bella tried to calm herself down.

"Sorry for saying that J. It was just a stupid joke." Brendon said while never making eye contact with her once. Instead he was wrapping his arm around Bella and looking at her face as though it would explain why she was freaking out over nothing.

"That's alright."

There was a sudden awkward silence that made them all extremely uncomfortable. It was sticky almost. Nobody enjoyed it and Jenna just felt as though she was the cause of it all.

Brendon figured Bella was okay now, but her eyes were still darting around the room.

"Um alright I'm going to uh... find Tyler. Yea. Okay bye kiddos." Jenna moved quickly to the front of the bus to grab her purse. She was beyond embarrassed at this point. "Sorry again." Her voice called before the door slammed shut.

"That was weird, right?" Bella asked her boyfriend with fear and somehow hoped stashed in her beautiful little eyes.

"Yes." He shrugged, not exactly knowing what to say.

"We'll talk to my dad's about it later." She nodded, letting the boy know that they were both thinking about the same thing. "And Jenna probably just came in. I was in the shower... Let's play video games or something."

Bella grabbed the boy's hand and began leading his to the back room until he pulled away.

"We have to tell them about how sick you've been lately. I bet you need to go to a doctor, Belle." He scratched the back of his. "I want you to be okay. Not sick, okay?"

"Ok, B." Her eyes rolled around in their sockets but the boy missed it since his were practically glued to his vans. "Fortnite?"

"I suck at it though."

i'm sorry for not
updating. i hate
this breakup sigh.

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