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Bella hadn't been feeling too hot from the start of that glorious Sunday morning. At first she thought that maybe it was because Brendon couldn't leave the house at all, just like every other Sunday since they've been friends. (Religious reasons, you know?) It couldn't possibly be part of the reason though. Every Sunday he couldn't hang out so why would this only start to bother Bella now?

The weather outside was nice. Beautiful even, but it was the first time in a while that Bella didn't actually feel like going outside and enjoying the weather. No climbing trees, or riding bikes for her, no. Just didn't feel like it.

The cramp in her stomach was proving to be more than just a little bit of an ache.

"Dad?" She called in a shaking voice, not exactly caring which one of the men came to her aid.

She heard footsteps and made no effort to move herself from the beanbag in the corner of the room that she sprawled out on. Her jean shorts felt like they were squeezing her stomach into oblivion, the baggy sweatshirt feeling much more comfortable. Her hair was tied back into a messy high pony-tail, and it felt like her brain was being forced out of her head, piece by piece.

"Knock, knock." Tyler let out in a sing-song voice as he walked into the room to find Bella holding her stomach in pain and hiding inside the hood of her sweatshirt.

"What's happening to me?" Bella stood up and walked over to her dad and throwing her arms around his abdomen in defeat.

"What'd ya' mean?" Tyler laughed.

"What's with all these craps and headaches and why do I suddenly have zero will to participate in life?" she pulled herself off of him and slammed her body back down onto the beanbag.

Bella probably shouldn't have brought up the 'Zero will to participate in life' thing, but then again maybe Tyler shouldn't have been expecting Bella to ask him to play with her dollies just like they used to. He missed it.
They both did though.

"W-What?" Tyler stuttered thinking his baby girl was now a suicidal head case too.

"Like... ugh I don't know. And wh-why-"

"Stand up." Tyler ordered.

"What? Dad!" Bella's eyes went wide as her Brendon influenced humor went dirty within seconds.

"Stand up."

Then her eyes widened and Bella did as she was told and shot up from the beanbag just as fast as those trains used to go in her absolute favorite show, Thomas the Tank Engine.

"Go into the bathroom and, pee?" Only the last word came out like a question. It stung like hot sauce on Tyler's tongue. He knew what was going on but he also knew he couldn't just pop this out.

Ew that was a nice thing to say to your daughter, Ty thought with a roll of his eyes.

But she stumbled into her bathroom anyway, and Tyler quietly called Josh up to the bedroom.

"Is her like puberty thing...?" Josh asked with fumbling around with his own fingers.

Tyler put his hand on Josh's shoulder. "Yea." He giggled while Josh's face went beat red.

Tyler leaned his head on Josh's shoulder as they waited for the return of the daughter.

"Was it...?" Tyler stopped himself from finishing.

Bella nodded.

And that was it.

The whole entire rest of the day consisted of Josh and Tyler trying to figure out to show Bella how to use a tampon without making her too uncomfortable and then them giving her whatever she wanted for diner.

Yes it took them 9 hours to show her how to use a tampon, and before you ask, no they didn't have to go out and buy them. What? They knew this day was going to come soon so they kept them in the cabinet in the bathroom, not wanting Bella to have to suffer through an even longer time of being uncomfortable while they went out to buy them when she finally got her period.

... speechless
Also, the next chapter has nothing to do with this sorry.

Edit: i'm currently revising chapters, however, this one will remain unedited in order for me to be less embarrassed...

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