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Brendon dragged his body into the venue behind Mark doing his best to make it look like he was just another fan of Twenty One Pilots in order to stay clear of Bella. His old and tattered vessel hoodie was pulled up over his head and was doing a great job shielding his huge forehead and his sunglasses were wonderfully protecting his eyes.

The both of them were to report to backstage before the start of the show, however, Brendon was supposed to stay out of Bella's sight until Tyler deemed otherwise.

He was a sweaty, stuttering mess and was now rethinking his acceptance of this stupid surprise. What made me want to do this shit in the first place? Brendon thought.

But then his eye caught his girlfriend and he stopped. He forgot how beautiful she was.

He felt his face go red. You pussy. You blush just looking at her. He shook his head and pushed his sunglasses further up the bridge of his noes. I missed her so much...

"Urie!" Brendon whipped around and found Tyler standing behind him. He was hastily trying to shove his earpiece in and failing miserably. He was nervous. "You got 10 minutes kid!"

Brendon started shaking even more. If Tyler was nervous then why shouldn't Brendon be? There were so many kids out in the audience, they didn't want Brendon. They didn't.

"You're gonna do great, kid," Mark reassured Brendon before running off.

Brendon ran his hand through his hair and took a few deep breaths. He was ok.

The smell of the room was intoxicating to Brendon. The whole 10 minutes until Tyler and Josh actually started went agonizingly slow. The small 15 year old couldn't sit still the whole time. His leg bounced and his hands shook. Sweat went dripping down the side of his head and he could barely breathe. He was doing fine though because the only thing on his mind was Bella.

She's so incredible. He smiled to himself and leaned back on the couch, throwing his feet up on some table that probably wasn't for feet. She's funny and nice and pretty and mine.

quick one because i've been neglecting this book a little lately. :(

don't freak out ab these next few updates, i'm changing all the chapter titles because i have commitment issues.

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